Trump: "If you do not have borders, then you have no country"


Updated June 25, 2018 22:01 EDT

President Trump, at a Monday night rally for South Carolina's outgoing Governor Henry McMaster in West Columbia, South Carolina, echoed his familiar rallying cry: "If have no borders, you do not have a country.

In response to the national outcry against the separation of parents and children on the southern border, Mr. Trump signed a executive order end the practice last week. While the movement temporarily puts an end to the separation of the family, it is not a permanent solution and Mr. Trump asked Congress to find a more permanent solution.

"We need strong borders, we are talking about them now," said Trump.

The crowd gathered at Monday's rally met his call with chants to "build this wall!"

"It's not" building this wall, "it's" continuing to build that wall, "he said later.

Donald Trump South Carolina

President Trump speaks at a campaign rally for South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster at the Airport High School on Monday, June 25, 2018, at West Columbia, South Carolina.


While calling for stronger border security and reiterating his promise of a border wall, he criticized Congressional Democrats as being the source of the illegal immigration problems.

"Democrats, they want open borders and they do not care about crime," he said, calling it "the party of Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi".

Pelosi, as the House's leading Democrat, is a frequent target for Trump, but the commentary on Rep. Waters, D-California, may be referring to his call during the Democrats weekend to "repel" Trump administration members when they meet one in public. The Waters call came in response to the White House press, with Sarah Huckabee Sanders being evicted from a Virginia restaurant on Friday night.

"We will do more, and we will do it," Trump said of the border wall.

Earlier Monday, during a meeting with King Abdullah II of JordanMr Trump said the decree was "something that I felt we needed to do," but he did not insist on the GOP legislation on immigration that the House is considering this week.

Mr. Trump did not completely denounce immigration during his rallying speech. Instead, he called for migration, although asylum seekers, as is the case of many separated parents and children at the US-Mexico border, are still trying to enter in the country through a legal process.

"I do not want judges, I want ICEs and border patrol officers," he said in an obvious reference to an immigration bill proposed by Senator Ted Cruz, R- Texas. increase the number of immigration judges from 375 to 750.

In the end, before calling the crowd to vote for McMaster, Mr. Trump extolled the merits of his administration: diplomatic negotiations with North Korea, tax reform efforts, creation of Force of spaceand its willingness to criticize the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

Trump supported McMaster, a Trump loyalist who is facing a runoff election against John Warren. McMaster was the first elected official at the state level to endorse the president in the 2016 presidential election.

"We will make America even stronger, we will make America even safer, and we will make America even more beautiful," concluded Mr. Trump.

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