Trump: "I'm trying" to tell the truth


Donald Trump

In an interview published Tuesday in which President Donald Trump announced his intention to end citizenship, he falsely claimed that the United States was the only country in the world to benefit from such a guarantee. | Joe Raedle / Getty Images

President Donald Trump "still wants to tell the truth," he said in an interview Wednesday night, and told the truth "when I can."

Trump has been scrutinized throughout his presidency, but especially in recent weeks, for repeatedly uttering lies and deceptive statements. But despite evidence to the contrary, the president insisted on Wednesday that he's trying to tell the truth.

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"Well, I'm trying. I'm trying to "tell the truth," he told ABC, Jon Karl, before a campaign rally in Florida.

"I always want to tell the truth. When I can, I tell the truth. And sometimes it happens that something different happens or something happens, but I always like to be honest. "

The Washington Post, which plans to follow the president's claims against the president's statements, said in September that Trump had erased 5,000 false or misleading statements during his two-year term. In his foray into the political world, Trump violently supported the so-called "BIRther" plot, an unsubstantiated claim that former President Barack Obama could not claim the presidency because he was not born a naturalized American.

As president, Trump increasingly tends to claim spreading misinformation at the end of the midterm elections, particularly on the issue of immigration. The White House has sought to use anti-immigrant rhetoric to drive Trump's conservative voters to the polls, highlighting a caravan of asylum seeker migrants crossing southern Mexico and issuing a long-term executive order to end birthright citizenship.

Trump in recent days has spread the baseless plot theory that the caravan would have received financial support from the Democrats, an assertion that took root in the right circles. Trump called the caravan an "invasion" and frequently implores migrants to "turn around" and "legally" enter the United States, even as seeking asylum at an American port of entry. that migrants say they want to do, is legal.

He claimed without proof that the caravan, largely made up of Central American migrants, included "thugs" and "gang members". He also told his followers on Twitter that the caravan contained "unknowns from the Middle East" assertion that he conceded later. no evidence "to support.

In his interview with Karl, he disputed the caravan's size estimates, which ranged from 1,000 to 10,000 people. The president told Karl that he "is talented enough to estimate the size of the crowd," a point on which he has long focused on describing his own gatherings and events. Trump's former press secretary, Sean Spicer, particularly insisted that the presidential nomination crowd, in 2017, was the largest in history, despite photographic evidence. net, at the request of Trump.

"There are a lot of caravans that look much bigger than what was reported," he said, "I'm pretty good at estimating the size of the crowd, and I'll tell you, they look good. much bigger than people think. "

In an interview published Tuesday in which Trump announced his intention to end the citizenship guarantee, which according to much law is a law established under the 14th amendment, the president falsely declared that the United States was the only country in the world to have such a guarantee.

When faced with the fact that more than 30 countries also confer birthright citizenship – which means in the United States that a child born on American soil is an American citizen regardless of citizenship from his parents – Trump said his "one-country" remark was "what was said," according to Karl.

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