Trump increases support for "great governor" Kemp


President Donald Trump sent a series of tweets On Saturday, he reaffirmed his support for Brian Kemp, which heightened the possibility that he will soon visit Georgia to strengthen the governor's candidacy for Republicans.

The president announced on Twitter that Kemp would be a "great governor" and that he "was prepared for this very difficult and complex job for many years". Without mentioning his name, he described Democrat Stacey Abrams as "totally unqualified".

Trump's late approval of Kemp propelled him into a deadly victory over Lieutenant Governor Casey Cagle, who was already moved by the release of secretly recorded tapes, but it is the most visible intervention of the President. in the race since.

Kemp's path to victory is based on the same formula used by Trump to transport Georgia by five percentage points in 2016. The president was able to resist the loss of the suburbs of the Atlanta metro by creating huge margins in vast expanses of rural Georgia.

This is the same coalition that Kemp has been trying to forge in a GOP-dominated state for much of the past two decades.

It has largely bypassed the densely populated areas of the Atlanta subway in favor of the conservative bastions of rural Georgia, where it attracts large crowds and attracts more local media. His tour of 20 bus stops next week takes him to these areas, skirting the big cities for the benefit of small towns.

Abrams, meanwhile, hopes that the kind of participation that Georgia usually sees in presidential elections. She hopes to overwhelm Kemp in the newly competitive urban and suburban areas by appealing to voters who typically skip the mid-term elections with a mix of progressive politics and classic promises.

The Trump campaign campaign has not yet taken place in Georgia, but it will probably focus on the southern part of the state, so red it goes. This is where Kemp is particularly dependent on a high turnout.

When he visits, Trump will inject a new joker into the election. Kemp patterned his main campaign according to Trump, even promising a "Georgia First" approach. But he has moved to the middle of the electorate since being appointed to the GOP, more likely to bring Governor Nathan Deal than Trump.

As for Abrams, she was an opponent of Trump's voice who had launched a "Georgia Resists" website while she was the best Democrat in the House, the state. But since she entered the race for governor, she was wary of making this vote a referendum on the president.

Abrams immediately grabbed Trump's tweets to collect campaign funds with his base.

"If I succeed, we'll be able to get rid of eligible voters, divulge our social security numbers and run a shotgun at a child on television," said his social media campaign.

Read other recent articles from the AJC on the race of the governor of Georgia:

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