Trump Interviews Four Supreme Court Candidates, Temporarily Reorganizing White House Staff to Push a Nomination


WASHINGTON – President Trump said he spoke Monday morning with four candidates for justice Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, who is retiring, has the White House nominatede in one week.

Speaking to reporters in the Oval Office, Mr. Trump said he would likely meet with two or three other candidates before making his decision. The President has said he plans to announce his choice next Monday, "I had a very, very interesting morning," Mr. Trump said as he met with Mark Rutte , the prime minister of the Netherlands.

White House, Mr. Trump talked to Monday morning, but the short list of candidates is believed to include six federal appeals court judges: Thomas M. Hardiman, William H. Pryor Jr., Amul R. Thapar, Brett M. Kavanaugh, Joan L. Larsen and Amy Coney Barrett

Mr. Trump said Monday that all of the people in the meantime are in the meantime, White House officials say Mr. Trump will be in the reorganize his

Raj Shah, the deputy press secretary, will take over the position of president of the press. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, White House press secretary, said Monday morning.

Donald F. McGahn II, the White House counsel, will lead the overall process, Ms. Sanders said, but he will be Courtesy of a team of lawyers in the Department of Justice and the Department of Justice (19659002) The job of working with conservative organizations outside the White Justin Clark, the director of the Office of the Public Liaison, Ms. Sanders said.

"Teams of attorneys from the White House Counseling Office and Department of Justice to choose his nominee, "Ms. Sanders said in a statement. "The Department of Justice is fully committed to the nomination and confirmation efforts."

The temporary reorganization is a reflection of the White House's position as president of the Supreme Court of Justice. While in the White House, including Marc Short, the director of legislative affairs, and John F. Kelly, the chief of staff, will also be involved in the process, she said

Ms. Sanders said Mr. Trump did not interview any of the Supreme Court candidates over the weekend, and it declined to say that the President would conduct interviews this week, ahead of his self-imposed deadline.

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