Trump Johnson City Rally Time, online feed


The series of events of Donald Trump's Make American Great Again campaign continues Monday night in Johnson City, Tennessee.

Trump has scheduled five rallies over seven days to boost support for Republicans in the upcoming midterm elections. On November 6, the GOPs may lose control of the House. The first gathering took place in West Virginia on Saturday. Monday night, Trump is in Johnson City, Tennessee, to help Republican Marsha Blackburn in a tight race in the US Senate.

The Trump Johnson City Rally is scheduled for 19:20. AND at Freedom Hall. You can watch a live stream of the rally below.

In a press release, Trump intended to say that Tennessee's "booming" economy was creating more jobs. The public schools in Johnson City must be returned before the Monday night event.

In West Virginia on Saturday, President Trump addressed many issues, including North Korea and its leader, Kim Jong Un, and Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh. He urged voters to go to the polls in November to reject the "ruthless and scandalous tactics" that Democrats used against the judge.

"We see this horrible group of radical democrats, you see what is happening now," Trump said at the West Virginia rally. "And they are determined to regain power by any means necessary, you see the wickedness, the wickedness, they do not care who they hurt, who they must crush to gain power. not give it to them. "

Speaking of his warm relationship with Kim, Trump said at the rally, "We fell in love with us."

Trump noted that the United States faced a massive threat from North Korea before taking office, but that much has changed since then.

"It was a very big problem," Trump said of North Korea. "And, you know, when I did it, I was really hard and he was it too. And we came and went, then fell in love, OK. Not really. He wrote me beautiful letters, and these are good letters. And then we fell in love. "

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