Trump Jr. calls his father's "pocahontas" racist remarks "So Epic !!!"


For what appears to be the hundredth time, President Donald Trump used his "Pocahontas" joke to attack Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.).

The president resurrected the joke as he spoke at his rally for the campaign in Topeka, Kansas on Saturday night.

"Pocahontas, Pocahontas," said Trump, referring to Warren. "I have more Indian blood in me than Pocahontas and I do not have any. I mean, unfortunately, but I have more than her. "

"They told him," Why do you say that you are of Indian origin? "Well, my mother said I had high cheekbones," he said.

"Well, I have high cheekbones too. Hey! Maybe I'm an Indian and I'm going to do very well. "

Almost immediately, Donald Trump Jr. responded with enthusiasm to his father's joke, with crimson-faced emojis and American flags.

"So epic," said Trump Jr.

After the rally, Warren responded to Trump with a joke to her.

"Too bad you're the least popular outgoing president of modern history," the senator tweeted. "And in the meantime, we will come in 31 days for your disgusting Republican.

Trump has been doing his "Pocahontas" against Warren since the 2016 presidential campaign, and he shows no signs of dropping.

The President even uttered this insult at a ceremony at the White House in November 2017 in honor of the Navajo Code Talkers who served during the Second World War. Around the same time, Trump had used the link at least 26 times, according to a count published by Mashable the same month.

Jefferson Keel, president of the National Congress of Amerindian and Vietnam Veteran, blamed Trump for using the offending term at the ceremony.

"We regret that the President's use of the name Pocahontas as insult to insult a political opponent eclipses the true purpose of the White House ceremony of today," he said. he declares.

"Once again, we call on the president to refrain from using her name so as to denigrate her heritage."

In July, Trump claimed to apologize for this insult at a rally in Montana.

"Pocahontas, they still want me to apologize for saying so," he said.

"Pocahontas, I apologize to you," he said. "To you, I apologize. For the false Pocahontas, I will not do it. "

Warren said his mother was a Native American, but refused to submit to a DNA test in an interview with NBC, "Meet The Press," last March.

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