Trump launches new tariffs on China


Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer on Tuesday released a list of thousands of additional properties that could face tariffs of 10% after a period of public consultation. It includes fruits and vegetables, handbags, refrigerators, rain jackets and baseball gloves.

Tuesday's action solves a threat that President Donald Trump expressed last month. He ordered Lighthizer to identify $ 200 billion worth of Chinese products for tariffs if China responded to US sanctions meant to punish the country for intellectual property theft

"China apparently did not the intention to change its unfair practices, intellectual property and technology, "said Trump in June. "Rather than changing these practices, it is now threatening American businesses, workers and farmers who have done nothing wrong."

China's retaliatory measures on Friday targeted US cars and major agricultural products such as soybeans and meat.

  New cars are installed at the Auto Warehousing Company near Richmond Harbor on May 24 in Richmond, California.

The United States is already working on a second wave of rights on Chinese goods. 39, worth $ 16 billion. Rates announced Tuesday would be the third wave. They would come into effect after August 30.

"Rather than responding to our legitimate concerns, China has begun retaliating against US products," Lighthizer said in a statement. He added: "The United States remains ready to enter into negotiations with China on the issues at stake," he added.

Related: China says the United States began "the biggest trade war" In history

But senior Trump administration officials told reporters Tuesday that until Now, the two parties had got nothing

"They continue to insist that the problems we have identified are not real". A senior government official said:

The official added that China was not ready to talk about Made in China 2025, a government plan to make the country a world leader in industries of the future such as robotics, electric cars and chips. .

Politics is a major concern for US officials. However, analysts say that China should not back down on the plane, which it considers crucial for the development of its huge economy.

China's response to the new tariff schedule was not immediately clear. When Trump threatened last month to target $ 200 billion in additional Chinese goods, Beijing said it would be "forced to retaliate and launch comprehensive measures corresponding to the quantitative and qualitative movement of the United States" .

in direct retaliation: he shipped many more goods to the United States ($ 506 billion last year, according to US figures) than to return in the opposite direction ($ 130 billion).

According to analysts, the Chinese government could target trade in services between the two countries, such as tourism and education, or seek to make life difficult for large US companies operating in China. more expensive

Tuesday's announcement was greeted with negative reactions from some neighborhoods. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch called the move "reckless", adding that the rates were "not a targeted approach."

"We can not turn a blind eye to Chinese mercantilist trading practices, give the administration bargaining power with China while preserving the long-term health and prosperity of the US economy" he said in a statement.

The National Retail Federation, an industry group, warned against the impact of the new measures "Tariffs on such a wide range of products make it inconceivable for US consumers to avoid this tax hike because Daily products will be forced to increase, "said David French, senior vice president of government relations group. a statement

Even more tariffs might be on the way. Trump said in June that the United States would be ready to adopt a fourth series of tariffs on goods worth $ 200 billion if China retaliated again. He did not officially ask Lighthizer to prepare this list

– CNN's Jethro Mullen and Phil Mattingly contributed to this report.

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