Trump looks at Nancy Brinker and Kay Bailey Hutchison for the UN ambassador, according to reports | Policy


The aides urge Trump to replace her with another woman, in time to strengthen the support of voters before the mid-term elections next month, Politico said.

A prime candidate, Dina Powell, a senior executive with Goldman Sachs and Trump's senior associate in her first year in office, pulled out of the project due to poor timing for work and family. She was Haley's first choice and also had the support of Trump's daughter and son-in-law, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, according to Axios, but faced "considerable internal opposition" from other people within the administration.

The current list includes Brinker, former New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte and Kelly Knight Craft, Trump's ambassador to Canada and, with her husband, Joe Craft, a coal executive, a major Republican donor, by politico. Craft would have been at the White House Thursday to discuss work.

Brinker founded the Komen foundation and named her in honor of her deceased sister of breast cancer. Brinker herself is a breast cancer survivor. She resigned from her CEO position in 2012 amid a public outcry over the group's decision to suspend funding for Planned Parenthood.

She was living in Dallas when she was married to the restaurant mogul Norman Brinker, then to Palm Beach, Florida, where Trump Beach Resort, Mar-a-Lago, was a gathering place for the rich.

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