Trump made another shot while Fahrenheit 11/9 is hailed as Michael Moore's greatest film


At present, Donald Trump's new documentary and scathing indictment revolve around a prefect's score after being presented to TIFF.

It's been about 14 years since Michael Moore shot a movie that was directly in the legislative agenda of a sitting president, but it's still happening this year. Cinema critics are already receiving the film. Moore just created Fahrenheit 11/9 at the Toronto International Film Festival, his most recent political documentary in a career spanning almost 30 years.

The native of Flynt, Michigan, is enjoying a warm welcome after the premiere. praised the film for being emotionally moving and even managed to be relatively non-partisan.

Many viewers do not suspect that the film does not devote all its time to Donald Trump, but denounces everyone, including the Democrats, for creating and perpetuating a system that, according to Mr. Moore, destroys American democracy.

"Michael Moore is angry again. In fact, Michael Moore may be more angry than he has ever been. And although much of this rage is directed at Donald Trump, it will probably be less than people who have commented on this criticism before the film can expect to see it. Moore's overpowering machine is not aimed directly at the 45e President of the United States, but just about everyone. By asking how we got to this point in the history of America, where some people are wondering how much longer we will have a democracy (or if we still do it), Moore points out everywhere a system that disavow the voters. mistreat the poor and allow corruption to flourish. "

Michael Moore makes sure to release the film before the mid-term elections in November. The official release date of F 11/9 is the 21st of September.

The film currently has a perfect 100% score on the Rotten Tomatoes website, although this may change as the number of critics increases. Proud of this achievement, Moore took a screenshot and posted it on Twitter.

Michael Moore has already won an Oscar for his film Bowling For Columbine, on gun control and mass paranoia, which he suggests to come from the American media. He later took George W. Bush to his presidency with the movie Fahrenheit 9/11. After that, Moore came back with Sicko, take on the health sector in America, which he says should be socialized. His most recent film is Capitalism: a story of lovein which Michael Moore explores the American capitalist economic system and underlines its consequences.

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