Trump makes clear Roe v. Wade is on the block


Whoever promises that Roe c. Wade will be overthrown by the next Supreme Court judge as President Trump engages in speculation – and, in many cases, political advocacy. Advocates of abortion rights are naturally concerned about the cancellation of one of the most striking and exciting precedents of the court, yes, but we have not even yet candidate. This is also a great way to rally the troops

. All of this makes it clear, and more and more reasons to worry.

In an interview with Fox released Sunday and Monday, Trump doubled his rhetoric on sending the issue of abortion to states, which is another way to say stunning Roe . ( Roe legalized abortion nationwide, which means that its repeal would allow states to decide the issue.) Trump said that he would probably not ask question to potential candidates directly about Roe He disapproved of his views on how this issue would unfold.

"Maybe one day it will be up to the states," he said. "You never know how it's going to happen." It's a very complex issue. Roe v. Wade is probably the one that people talk about in effect, but we'll see what happens, but it could very well end up with the states at some point. "

" We'll see what happens "is Trump's fault when he does not want to commit to anything but welcomes speculation about this thing. That's what he said just before dismissing former FBI director James B. Comey, but also many things that did not succeed. This can be a threat or just that Trump does not have a good answer.

And Trump does not say that he does not want to inquire of Roe notice; he says that he will not ask because he is not supposed – "probably". And he also talks a lot about the installation of a conservative.

This answer will basically do nothing to stifle theories of secrecy. plots to overthrow Roe by Trump and those pulling the strings behind the scenes. And for this perception, Trump continues to thank himself. Towards the end of the 2016 campaign, he offered this in an interview with Chris Wallace of Fox News:

WALLACE: You just said you want to see the court protect the second amendment. Do you want to see the court overthrow Roe v. Wade ?

TRUMP: Well, if we add two or maybe three judges, that's really what's going to happen – it's going to happen and it's going to happen automatically in my opinion because I put Judges Supportive of Life on the Ground

We are now on this second justice, the moment Trump said that his choices could overturn the law. And he said it would "happen".

This comment, in particular, came after Trump got the nomination of the GOP, so it was not like he was just playing at the base. He said in a few weeks a general election. This suggests, at the very least, that Trump is content to have this overthrow Roe, if not to target it. Trump may not care so much about the issue – he's already qualified as "very pro-choice" and even endorsed the late abortion, after all – but it's also a president who throws red meat at conservative base whenever possible. And that would be the biggest basic game you could possibly imagine. It is almost impossible to think that Trump would not want to try to get there, and now he is a little, somehow confirming it.

The whole thing is complicated, of course, by the slim majority of Republicans in the Senate. Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine), a moderator who favors abortion rights, says the candidate must not be hostile to Roe . The message to Trump seems to be clear: do not choose someone who would overthrow him clearly, because I would vote against them.

How much she will resist is the big question. There will certainly be a lot of analysis of the candidate's comments on Roe and on Supreme Court precedents at confirmation hearings, but this candidate will also be coached to talk about those things in non-binding and vague terms. "I can not say how I could judge on individual cases." "I will respect a precedent that aligns with the Constitution." Etc. As long as Trump does not choose someone like William Pryor, with a fairly clear record of opposition Roe – he once called it the "worst abomination in the world." 39, history of constitutional law "- we will go into the confirmation vote without a clear sense of whether the new justice could send with Roe. ] The Bottom Line: Judge Barrett gave all the directions that she will be an activist judge at the Court. If she is chosen as a candidate, she will be the deciding vote to overthrow Roe v. Wade and abolish the protections of pre-existing conditions in the ACA. #WhatsAtStake

– Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) 2 July 2018

But the team that will try to confirm this justice has not yet sent a strong signal that Roe should be protected. The leader of the Federalist Society, Leonard Leo, offered a series of carefully worded answers to this question. He called the questions on Roe "a tactic of fear" and noted that he has long been used against the Republican-appointed Supreme Court choices. He called this a "major precedent". And he noted Sunday that four choices "often mentioned did not specifically conflict with Roe v. Wade ". the decision should be a precedent. And Trump is doubling his past rhetoric. Until they say something more firm about the question of whether it 's about a precedent, Trump' s response from October 2016 makes all these questions completely right and logical – even if they do not have clear answers yet. function(){});
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