Trump makes fun of a light sentence for George Papadopoulos


Watch Jake Tapper's exclusive interview with Trump's former campaign help in CNN's Special Report "The Mysterious Case of George Papadopoulos" on Saturday at 8 pm, ET.

Papadopoulos, sentenced to 14 days in jail, is Trump's first adviser to be sentenced as part of the investigation of Special Adviser Robert Mueller on Russian interference in the 2016 elections and the potential collusion between the Kremlin and the countryside.

Shortly after his conviction, the president made a point on Twitter: "14 days for $ 28 MILLION – $ 2 MILLION a day, no collusion.A nice day for America!"

George Papadopoulos has 14 days in prison

He did not specify the price of $ 28 million that he quoted, but it seems that this concerns the cost of Mueller's investigation. Even that, however, is incorrect. The Justice Ministry has spent at least $ 17 million to investigate Russian interference, but government estimates have shown that Mueller's team had specifically spent about $ 7.7 million.

But the tweet showed how the president and his team were following the sentencing hearing in Washington. S addressing reporters on board Air Force One on Friday afternoon, Trump is away from Papadopoulos.

"I do not know Papadopoulos, I do not know him," said Trump. "I saw him sitting on a picture at a table with me – it's the only thing I know about him.I do not know him.But they got it, I guess , on some lies, I guess that's what they're saying. "

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