Trump mocks the testimony of Christine Blasey Ford about an alleged sexual assault at the rally in Mississippi.


During a rally Tuesday evening in Southaven, Mississippi, President Trump dramatically changed course and, after days of restraint in his response to Christine Blasey Ford's charges, mocked his testimony before the Senate reporting alleged sexual assault of Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh. In front of a crowd of supporters, Trump rejected the message and tried to discredit Ford's accusation by pointing out the gaps in his memory about the evening, which is now over 30 years old.

Here is the asset on the stump:

What he experienced – it happened 36 years ago. I had a beer! Right? I had a beer! Well, you think it was – no, it was a beer! Oh good. How did you go home? I do not remember. How did you get there? I do not remember. Where is this place? I do not remember. How many years ago was it? I do not know. I do not know. I do not know! I do not know! In which neighborhood was it? I do not know. Where is the house? I do not know. Upstairs, downstairs, where was it? I do not know. But I had a beer. That's the only thing I can remember. And a man's life is in tatters. The life of a man is broken. His wife is broken. His daughters who are beautiful, unbelievable young children. They destroy people. They want to destroy people. They are really bad people.

The moment was really troubling, unlike Trump's somewhat sober rhetoric about Ford, but not particularly surprising.

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