Trump News: Trudeau mocks Trump for saying that it was too rainy to come to honor the war | World | New


The Prime Minister of Canada paid tribute to the soldiers who died on Saturday at the Vimy Ridge War Memorial, a memorial to the Northeast of France dedicated to members of the Canadian Expeditionary Force killed in the First World War. Mr. Trudeau avoided an umbrella and left the rain he gave a speech to veterans and families of war victims. He said, "While we are sitting here in the rain, we think how uncomfortable we are when our suits are wet and our hair wet and our shoes wet, I think it's all the same. more appropriate than we remember that day, in Dieppe, it was not raining, it was bullets. "

Mr. Trudeau and his wife Melania canceled a visit to the American cemetery of Aisne-Marne in Belleau, about fifty kilometers from Paris.

According to the White House, steady rain and low cloud ceiling prevented the US president's helicopter from getting to the site.

Washington said in a statement: "Their presence has been canceled due to scheduling problems and logistical problems caused by weather conditions".

The White House added that a delegation led by Chief of Staff John Kelly, retired general, had replaced Trump at the ceremony.

READ MORE: "Very insulting!" Donald Trump cancels WWI cemetery visit due to RAIN

The decision to cancel the visit was violently attacked by social media users and politicians. Nicholas Soames, Conservative MP for Mid Sussex and grandson of Winston Churchill, even described Trump as "pathetic, inadequate".

Mr. Soames wrote on Twitter: "They died facing the enemy and this pathetic @realDonaldTrump inadequate could not even defy the time that he was doing to pay homage to The Fallen #hesnotfittorepresenthis grand-country"

The tweet, which received more than 113,000 "likes" and has been shared more than 38,000 times, echoed the atmosphere of many Twitter users.

One of them shared a photo of Mr. Trump playing golf in the rain, adding, "So, Trump can play golf in the rain, but can not go out and honor the troops under the rain?"

Another said to be "beyond the madness" following Trump's no-show, writing: "My grandfather, USGG WWII, Navy's World War I died wet and wounded in the summer." Atlantic Ocean the 14/09/44.

"#NeverForget William Franklin Waters. Wet and hurt !! On a life raft!

"Beyond the madness that POTUS skipped the ceremony!"

Other politicians include Conservative Defense Minister Tobias Ellwood and Nicola Sturgeon, Prime Minister of Scotland.

Mr. Ellwood, captain of the Royal Green Jackets, wrote on Twitter: "Rain was a common feature of the Western Front.

"Fortunately, that did not stop our brave heroes from doing their job."

Ms. Sturgeon said, "None of this is surprising. Do not make it less appalling.

"It's worth traveling by limousine and a few words under a tarpaulin."

The Chair of the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee, Tom Tugendhat, Conservative MP and Colonel of the Army, said, "All I can say is that I have spent four years in Afghanistan and that I do not remember that operations were canceled when it was raining, remember our refusal to soldier because the weather was mild.

Mr. Trump, who is the commander-in-chief of the US Armed Forces, did not serve in the military, like his predecessors Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.

World leaders, including Vladimir Putin, Angela Merkel, Mr Trump and Mr Trudeau met Sunday in Paris, where French President Emmanuel Macron honored the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War by taking action. striker to nationalism.

Speaking from a podium at the Arc de Triomphe, he said: "Saying" our interests first. Who cares about others? We erase what the country has most dear, what gives it life, what makes it great and what is essential: its moral values. "

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