Trump not on the ballot midway but is looming big


His name will not appear on the ballot, but President Donald Trump will be there in spirit when Americans vote in mid-term elections in November.

And the results will set the tone for the last two years of the presidency of the man who will be in everyone's mind.

Americans will vote nationwide on Nov. 6 for the first time since the New York real estate mogul realized one of the biggest upheavals in American political history.

Former President Barack Obama has placed Trump in the forefront in the opening salvo of several campaign stops on Friday, accusing him of "capitalizing" on "fear and anger".

"What happened to the Republican Party?" Obama asked, removing the gloves after nearly two years to avoid direct criticism of his successor.

All 435 seats in the House of Representatives are up for grabs, with 35 Senate seats and 100 governorships in some 30 states.

Republicans currently hold majorities in both the House and the Senate. The Democrats hope that a "blue wave" will propel them to victory in the House and that the latest polls give them a good chance.

The seizure control for the Senate seems less likely.

In a Washington Post / ABC News poll, 52 percent of registered voters said they preferred the Democratic candidate to the Republican candidate in their district. Thirty-eight percent said they were in favor of the Republican.

In terms of the economy – which is often the harbinger of the ruling party's fortunes – 58% of respondents said it was "excellent" or "good" with 38% of respondents.

The unemployment rate is currently at its lowest level in 18 years, at 3.9%, while the gross domestic product increased by 4.2% in the second quarter.

– & # 39; Soft favorites & # 39; –

Despite the economic figures, the "Grand Old Party" is fighting largely because of the unpopularity of Trump himself.

The president – whose mandate was marked by frequent turbulence – was struck by a particularly deadly week, with an anonymous editorial alleging that members of his administration were trying to thwart his "worst inclinations" and avoid disaster. for the country.

This story was corroborated by the new book of investigative journalist Bob Woodward, which describes a coalition of like-minded advisers to prevent the president from destroying the global trading system, undermining national security and provoking wars.

Larry Sabato, director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia, said that if Democrats are "favorites" to take the House, fortunes could change.

"Unforeseen events could erase their prospects before election day," Sabato said. "I do not expect that to happen, but the Trump era is tumultuous."

The mid-term elections are traditionally difficult for the party at the White House because the president is trying to respond quickly to the often unrealistic demands of the electorate.

Two years after the Obama election, Democrats suffered a deadly defeat in the midst of a bitter debate over health care reform.

Only once since the presidency of Harry Truman, the White House party won seats in the House during a first term – in 2002, in the United States that was still suffering the attacks of September 11, 2001 At New York. Washington.

– "Trump, Trump and Trump" –

For many, the mid-term vote is considered a referendum on Trump, whose style and personality sharply divide Americans.

"The top three numbers are Trump, Trump and Trump," Sabato said. "As Trump is about 40% in polls, this can not be good news for Republicans."

Trump in recent weeks has been trying to galvanize his base, organizing high-energy campaign rallies to create his own "red wave".

The president plans to step up his campaign in the coming weeks, including a visit to Texas to support Senator Ted Cruz, formerly his fierce rival for the Republican presidential nomination.

Trump is well aware that a hostile Congress could seriously limit his ability to do anything during his last two years in power.

If the Democrats seize the House, they could seize the various scandals surrounding his presidency and entrust his administration to a myriad of committee inquiries.

Whatever the mid-term outcome of Congress, November 7, Americans will look to the next big election – the November 3, 2020 presidential election.

Trump, who turns 74 at the time, has already launched his campaign slogan: "Keep America Great".

His Democratic challenger has not emerged yet and a fierce battle is expected to see who will carry the banner.

Trump, for one, feels confident.

"It seems like they're going to line up," he told the Daily Caller. "But until now, and I'm an honest guy, I'll let you know if there's anyone I see that could be a problem."

"But until now, I do not see it."

President Donald Trump is not on the ballot in the mid-term elections but he will be in the voters' minds

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