Trump officials personally punished for very unpopular policies


maxine waters
California congressman Maxine Waters calls for Trump officials to be harassed and harassed.
cavalierseul via YouTube

Those in charge of President Donald Trump's administration are facing an increasingly personal backlash for his extremely unpopular policies in a growing quarrel that has raised the specter of political violence in the United States.

Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, the public face of the Trump administration, was expelled from a restaurant in Lexington, Virginia, one of the co-owners of the establishment having told her that It was part of an organization "inhuman and unethical".

Prior to that, Secretary of Homeland Security, Kirstjen Nielsen, was shouted from a Mexican restaurant in Washington DC. Trump's advisor, Stephen Miller, considered one of the leading advocates of Trump's uncompromising immigration policies, has been labeled fascist at his face in another Washington DC restaurant.

While some members of the DC establishment, including the Washington Post editorial board, called for civility towards the Trump administration, others fanned the flames.


Maxine Waters, a controversial member of the Democratic Congress of California, who has already fought with Trump, called on his supporters to push even harder.

"You have members of your cabinet who have been booed out of the restaurants, with protesters taking them home saying" no peace, no sleep, "Waters said Sunday," We have God on our side. "

"If you see someone from that firm in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gas station, you go out and you create a crowd and you push back on it, and you tell them that they're only most welcome, no matter where. "

Republican personalities quickly seized the message as an incitement to hostility.

"It's a very bad and dangerous idea: the debate and even the disagreement are critical for the American experience, but when we stop seeing humanity on the other side, we lose all, "said Republican Senator Utah Orrin Hatch. tweeted about Waters.


"Never give me the least of those words" when they go down, we go too high, "" Meghan McCain, daughter of John McCain and parent of a Trump official tweeted, referring to a slogan used by Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton in the 2016 elections.

Some in the United States and around the world seek to personally punish Trump and his administration. Since Trump took office, an anti-Trump movement has drawn up a list of products to boycott.

Some have suggested that countries respond to Trump's tariffs with tariffs against his personal belongings.

CNN's former associate, Kathy Griffin, elicited outrage last year when she showed images of herself holding Trump's decapitated head.

In Washington DC, Trump's young employees report trouble dating because their politics is unpopular in one of the most democratic cities in the United States.


But hostility has led to violence in recent history. Steve Scalise, a Republican Senator from Louisiana, who became a victim of political violence when a gunman shot him at a baseball practice session for Republicans in Congress, once again urged the civility .

"Civility and respect always prevail over harassment and disrespect" Scalise said from Waters call to harassment.

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