Have you ever wondered why we use ethanol in gasoline? David Mastio, editor of the USA TODAY forum, explains.

Iowa drivers already facing an overabundance of options at the pump may soon have another decision to make.

President Donald Trump announced Tuesday that he had asked the Environmental Protection Agency to begin the process allowing the sale of E15 fuel all year round.

The change in rule on the use of corn-based fuel could have significant effects on the state where corn is king.

But this could pose questions to consumers: E15 is it the best thing for my car or for the environment?

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about E15:

What is E15?

The majority of gasoline sold in the United States is blended with 10% ethanol. E15 is mixed with 15% ethanol.

Ethanol is a fermented grain alcohol made from corn, wheat, barley or potatoes. In the United States, it is usually made from corn and mainly used as a substitute.

How is it done?

Farmers deliver corn to a local ethanol plant. At the plant, corn is turned into ethanol by fermentation, said Geoff Cooper, CEO of Renewable Fuels Association, an ethanol advocacy group.

Ethanol is then transported by rail cars or trucks to mixing terminals, where it is mixed with gasoline and delivered to US service stations.

Why is it important for Iowa?

Iowa is the largest producer of corn and ethanol in the United States.

If the E15 is sold all year round, the number of service stations offering this service will increase, which will boost the state's economy, Cooper said.

Iowa exports more than 90% of the ethanol produced.

Maize prices are lower than the cost of production in most parts of the United States and the E15 could result in increased demand for corn, Cooper said.

Can your car use it?

The Environmental Protection Agency approves the use of E15 in 2001 and later years.

The AAA and oil companies who oppose the change fear that people accidentally fill their tanks with E15, which could damage vehicles manufactured before 2001.

Cooper said the E15 had been used on "billions of kilometers" across the United States without any problems. He said that 90% of the cars on the road could use the E15.

And E15 is usually 5 to 10 cents cheaper per gallon than E10, which means that drivers could save one or two dollars by refueling at the pump, he said.

What is it doing for the environment?

The E15 could reduce fossil fuel production and greenhouse gas emissions, according to the EPA. It is produced locally, resulting in a reduction of fossil fuel imports. This could also reduce carbon monoxide emissions, according to the EPA.

At the same time, E15 uses corn, which requires soil and water to produce. Depending on the production process, this could produce even more greenhouse gases than some fossil fuels, because of the fertilizers used in corn production.

In total, the EPA notes that E15 and other biofuels will not reduce emissions of greenhouse gases or other pollutants, unless they coincide with a reduction the production and use of fossil fuels.

Cooper said that ethanol fuel is always better for the environment despite pollutants created during corn production.

"It's a cleaner process from start to finish than the production and use of gasoline," he said.

Why is E15 not available all year?

The EPA is currently banning the sale of E15 over the summer, fearing that it will contribute to smog. Proponents of ethanol say this concern is unfounded.

Cooper said the ban is a 30-year-old regulation that is "outdated," but stagnation in Washington, DC, has kept regulation in place.

Where can I buy the E15?

For a complete list of service stations selling from E15, visit this listing of the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association.

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