Trump orders filing of investigation documents in Russia


Rep. Matt Gaetz, Republican of Florida and one of the Capitol Hill's most fervent supporters, praised Trump's decision in a statement and said he was facing "delays , unnecessary expulsions and refusals ".

"These documents will reveal to the American people some of the systemic corruption and bias at the highest level of the DOJ. and F.B.I., including using the tools of our intelligence community for partisan political purposes, "said Gaetz.

The California representative Adam B. Schiff, the highest-ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, accused the president of abusing his power "to interfere in an ongoing judicial inquiry by ordering the selective dissemination of documents that he believes are useful to his defense team. and thinks to advance a false story. "

In addition to the parts of the application, Mr. Trump also ordered the national intelligence director and law enforcement officials to declassify F.B.I. interviews on the case with Bruce G. Ohr, a Justice Department official who was caught in Trump's attacks on national security officials.

Mr Ohr, a former prosecutor who fought against Russian organized crime for years, has repeatedly met a British spy specialist in Russia, Christopher Steele, who has compiled a record of untrusted and explosive statements about Mr Trump during the campaign 2016. Mr. Steele was also an FBI Informant, but the agents ended this relationship late 2016 because he had talked to reporters about the work that he had done for the office.

Mr. Steele investigated the relationship between Mr. Trump and Russia for the same research firm, Fusion GPS, where Mr. Ohr's wife was an entrepreneur.

Ohr met with Steele almost a dozen times from the end of 2016 to May 2017, according to congressional officials. FBI. officers interviewed Mr. Ohr after the meetings and documented the information.

Mr. Ohr was the only current official appointed by Mr. Trump when he announced this summer that he was reviewing the authorizations of several national security officials. Mr. Trump also repeatedly attacked Mr. Ohr, calling for his dismissal on Twitter.

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