"Trump people to death": President GOP hopes the president will hold the key of 2018


After returning to Iowa Tuesday night, Trump will travel to Pennsylvania on Wednesday and Ohio on Friday before concluding his week-long campaign trip to Kentucky on Saturday.

The slight rise in the president's calendar is part of a strategy that aims to prevent a blue wave from crashing in November: using the president, particularly in the traditionally red states that he has won in 2016, to "kill people to death" The agent put it.

National Republicans believe that frequent trips from Trump should be able to accentuate the natural political leanings of these states and overcome a national atmosphere that seems to favor the Democrats.

This could be particularly important for the holding of the Senate, said the two members of the GOP, who let Democrats defend the blue seats in the Red States.

Trump's visits to Montana, North Dakota, West Virginia, and Tennessee – all of the states he has been campaigning for recently – are examples of the president reminding Republican voters that even though his name is not not on the ballot, he is able to get things done, agents said.

"Imagine I'm on the ballot," said Trump at a recent rally.

The house is different

The thinking is slightly different in the fight for the House, where the essentials of democratic expansion are fought in thinner and slimmer Republican suburbs, where Trump's style and politics have left the president less popular than in other parts of the country. .

Republicans charged with protecting majorities in the House in November believe the president can stop Democrats in Kansas, Minnesota and parts of Ohio.

"We think we will be able to defeat people to death," said a Republican official, citing the president's ability to excite his supporters. "For his constituents he is the only credible messenger."

Republicans know that their ability to protect majorities in the House and Senate will be seen as a direct reflection of the country's view of the president. Democrats are at levels not seen in the last mid-term elections, according to recent polls, and many believe that the mid-term elections are their best chance to deliver a scathing reproach to Trump.
Outside the GOP Group: The Kavanaugh Fight Has Improved the Political Environment & # 39; for Republicans
This has become evident in recent weeks during the debate on Justice Brett Kavanaugh, of the Supreme Court, whose fight for the investiture has become incredibly contentious after being charged with sexual assault. Kavanaugh denied this allegation and sexual misconduct during a daring hearing at Capitol Hill. But the treatment of his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, who also testified before the Senate committee, and the subsequent approval of Kavanaugh by Democrats.

The Republicans hope, however, that their base will be motivated by the feeling that Kavanaugh has been treated unfairly by the media and the Democrats. Something should allow Trump to continue feeding when he gets back on the road for next month.

"From the very first minute, Brett Kavanaugh was named, the Radical Democrats have a mission to resist, delay, demolish and destroy – they want to destroy this man," said Trump at a rally in the night Tuesday in New York.

"In just four weeks you will have the opportunity to make your verdict on the scandalous conduct of Democrats," he said.

A White House official, referring to the use of Kavanaugh as a mid-term problem, said: "Republican voters are happy.It's the first time they've been angry since 2016. Republicans are at the right moment politically. " A law enforcement official said Trump was boosting Republican voters "and leaving no one behind" and that, four weeks before polling day, Republicans must "keep our party" engaged and mobilized for the next four weeks ".

"Booster Packs" for Democrats

Democrats, on the other hand, welcome Trump's omnipresence on the track and reject the idea that the party can "kill Trump people."

David Bergstein, National Press Secretary of the Senate Democratic Campaign Committee, said the Republicans touting this strategy are the same as those who believe that their health care and tax plans will translate well for voters, as polls have not materialized.

"They've been wrong the whole cycle and they're wrong now," said Bergstein. "In the vast majority of cases, even in the most conservative states, voters prefer a candidate who controls and controls Republican control of the government."

Another Democratic source working in the Chamber of Deputies in November said that the Trump rally had not only little effect in the states, but that it "constituted a booster for democratic campaigns."

"The candidates are raising a ton of money when it comes," said the source. "It's a windfall that has enriched our campaigns."

The Democrat pointed to the success of Conor Lamb representative's race in Pennsylvania and Danny O'Connor's tight defeat in Ohio, two special elections in which Trump has engaged. The two Democrats raised substantial funds after the visit, which was then turned into television commercials and exit efforts.

The Democrats, some of whom have positioned themselves as trumpeters for Trump, have also raised huge sums this year. Another data point suggesting that Democrats are well positioned for a strong 2018.

Republican strategy is why Trump was in Iowa on Tuesday, where he stumbled for Republican Rep. David Young, the Iowa Republican seeking to ward off a sizable challenge from the owner of the small Cindy Axne's business, and why he went to Minnesota lost in 2016, earlier this month to tout a stable of Republican candidates running in the House, Senate and Governor.

After Tuesday's visit to Iowa, Trump made five field trips this month to convince Republican candidates. He also traveled to Tennessee on Oct. 1 to compete in Representative Marsha Blackburn, Mississippi's Senate campaign on Oct. 2 to support Cindy Hyde-Smith in the Senate and Kansas on Oct. 6 to support Kris Kobach, the candidate. as governor.

Trump also has a series of campaign trips on the calendar: On Wednesday, he will be in Pennsylvania to support a vulnerable candidate in the House of Representatives. On Friday, he will travel to Ohio to support the Senate candidate and a Republican of the House. Kentucky will support representative Andy Barr, a Republican who faces the difficult challenge of Democrat Amy McGrath.

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