Trump plans to downgrade Bruce Ohr and Carter Page Docs


President Donald Trump would have the intention to declassify Carter Page and Bruce Ohr documents, according to an Axios report released Sunday.

Axios & # 39; Jonathan Swan and Lauren Meier report:

President Trump is expected to downgrade this week documents covering the US government's monitoring of campaign advisor Trump Carter Page and investigative activities of senior justice department attorney. Bruce Ohr, according to the president's allies.

Congressional Republicans and Trump himself presented the documents as overwhelming evidence that the Justice Department and the FBI had acted inappropriately, essentially undermining the Trump-Russia investigation.

Ohr was accused by Republicans of Congress and Trump of acting as an intermediary for the Department of Justice, British spy Christopher Steele and GPS Fusion.

The page was allegedly spied illegally by the Obama administration to shoot down Trump.

Chair of the House Freedom Caucus Mark Meadows tells Axios that declassification is a big problem.

"After two years of investigations and accusations on both sides of what the documents indicate, it is high time that the documents be declassified and that the American people themselves decide whether the DoJ and the FBI acted. correctly".

It is unclear how, at this stage, claims concerning Ohr and Page will be supported in the documents.

[image via Getty Images]

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