Trump praises "stop and search", calls for tougher police tactics


Yet, even as Trump advocated harsh measures against some criminals, he frequently uses these same policing tactics when they are used to targeting his own supporters and trading partners.

When federal agents raided the offices of Michael Cohen, then Trump's lawyer, this spring, he immediately accused them of disloyalty, calling the raid "a real shame, it's an attack on our country." C & # 39; is an attack against this all represent, "said Trump at the time.

Cohen has since pled guilty to eight crimes and said Trump had ordered him to commit violations of funding for the federal campaign, which Trump denied.

When Paul Manafort, the former head of the Trump campaign, was arrested before his trial this summer on the pretext of tax evasion and illegal lobbying abroad, Trump again accused the forces order to use a tactic too hard.

"Wow, what severe punishment for Paul Manafort, who represented Ronald Reagan, Bob Dole and many other political figures and campaigns," tweeted Trump on July 15, referring to a judge's decision to place Manafort in custody.

"Looking back, who was treated worse, Alfonse Capone [sic], legendary mafia boss, assassin and "Public Enemy Number One" or Paul Manafort, politician & Reagan / Dole darling, now in solitary confinement – although convicted for nothing? ", wrote Trump later.

In at least one case, Trump went further than simply complaining about the harsh treatment of his loved ones.

In August 2017, Trump granted his pardon to former Arizona sheriff, Joe Arpaio, thus avoiding the sentence of imprisonment of a law enforcement officer after the conviction of ##################################################################### | 39, Arpaio for criminal contempt for mistreating the detainees under his custody.

"" Throughout his sheriff's career, Arpaio has continued his work life to protect the public from the scourges of crime and illegal immigration, "said the White House in a statement recounting the pardon for his life. Arpaio. " Sheriff Joe Arpaio is now 85 years old After more than 50 years of admirable service to our nation, he is (a) a worthy candidate for a presidential pardon. "Arpaio was a strong supporter of Mr. Trump's 2016 presidential campaign.

The White House did not immediately respond to CNBC's questions on Monday.

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