Trump President at Harley Davidson (NYSE: HOG), "Do not play cute"


Trump President at Harley Davidson (NYSE: HOG), "Do not Play Cute"


President Donald Trump has declared Harley-Davidson Motorcycles Inc. (NYSE: HOG) risk of losing customers if she shifts

"I think they're going to take a big hit," President Trump said in an interview with Maria Bartiromo on Friday and broadcast Sunday. "These are my constituents," he added. "They do not want Harley Davidson to become cute to earn $ 2 more."

"I spent a lot of time at Harley Davidson, and I treated them well," said President Trump. "I guarantee you: everyone who has already bought a Harley Davidson voted for Trump, I do not know if you know it … …"

"They call them bikers for Trump," said President Trump "I think Harley is an American Bike, it's an American bike, and they should build them in this country. They should not play cute. … I have the feeling that maybe Harley – I think they'll take a big hit. I just think it's a very good American product and our people are more proud than before. I really believe that Harley will take – people who buy Harley Davidson, they do not want that they are built in another country. "

EU retaliation for President Trump 's steel and aluminum taxes will cost about $ 2,200 per motorcycle. at the second largest Harley market in the world, the company has estimated. He therefore moves the production of bicycles for European runners to overseas factories.

Harley does not sell motorcycles in the United States that are built overseas, and the company said it would not change.

President Trump tweeted about Harley-Davidson over 3 days in a row last week, including a complaint that "I've done a lot for you, and then that."

But the company has long produced motorcycles overseas for other markets, including assembly plant in Brazil opened 20 years ago.

The expected production shift is on products destined for EU markets to avoid tariffs of 31% on those manufactured in America. When asked if he should, as president, call his name specific companies when he does not agree with their actions, President Trump says "Yes, I should."

» Symbol Last Exchange Date Edit Open Top Top Bottom Volume ] NYSE: HOG 42,33 29 June 2018 0.43 41.98 42.39 19659013] 41.94 318.524

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Neutral (-0.02) Neutral (0.05) Neutral (-0.10) Neutral (0.00)

Excellent week.

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Paul A. Ebeling, polymath , excels in various fields of knowledge. An analyst in model recognition in stocks, commodities and foreign currencies and author of the "Roadmaster Red Technical Report" on the Major Market Indices ™, a popular weekly letter on the financial markets, he is also a philosopher. subjects to a suite of more than 250,000 cohorts. An international public of opinion makers, business leaders and global organizations recognizes Ebeling as an expert.

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