Trump Rally in Missouri: Watch the President's Live While He's Campaigning for Republican Josh Hawley in a Critical Race in the Missouri Senate – Live Updates


Updated on Nov 1, 2018 9:21 PM EDT

President Trump called the Democrats "loco" and party "rigid ideology and total conformity" at the second of a marathon of rallies before polling day. Trump is in Columbia, Missouri, and is campaigning for Republican Josh Hawley, who is stuck in a tight race against incumbent Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill.

Mr. Trump began by referring to McCaskill's risky vote against the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh, a Supreme Court judge. Later in the rally, Trump insisted that McCaskill supported Hillary Clinton and claimed that she did not "know people".

Mr. Trump won Missouri 10 points in 2016 and McCaskill is one of the most vulnerable Democrats who must be re-elected this year. September CBS News Battleground Tracker: poll found Hawley and McCaskill tied, each with 45% support among likely voters. Currently, CBS News Battleground Tracker awards the race a "draw".

Trump attempted to tie McCaskill to national Democratic leaders and national demonstrations, saying the party "resisted and belittled anyone who criticized their radical ideas."

"You can not dine – do you see what they do to our people?" Mr. Trump said. "Do you see what they do to people who represent your thinking?"

Mr Trump criticized the Democrats' immigration, saying that they "are doing everything in their power to delay, to prevent" the construction of the wall. "And we need more than ever," he added.

Trump also insisted on his proposal to end citizenship, which is guaranteed by the 14th amendment to the Constitution. Trump has described birthright citizenship as "mad and crazy politics" and has pledged to end it, although it is unclear if it is possible.

Hawley, the state attorney general, was closely linked to Mr. Trump during the race and promised that he would vote in accordance with the president's priorities. McCaskill has tried to keep the race on local issues, especially health care. McCaskill accused Hawley of wanting to remove health coverage from pre-existing conditions, which he denies. Hawley and the state of Missouri are currently engaged in a lawsuit to overturn the Affordable Care Act, which protects coverage for pre-existing conditions.

Mr. Trump will make several appearances in the election campaign before Tuesday, in states he won in 2016. The president has largely focused on illegal immigration a few days before the election topic that could motivate Mr. Trump's speech. base to turn and vote in mid-session, even if it's not on the ballot.


CBS News / James Morris

In addition to his usual claims that Democrats support "open borders", the president has largely focused on a caravan of migrants from Central America heading to the United States and several weeks away from home. the US-Mexico border. Earlier on Thursday, Mr. Trump discussed illegal immigration to the White House.

AT gathering in Florida On Wednesday, he said: "We are getting ready for the caravan, dear friends, you do not have to worry about it." Most migrants ask for asylum. More than 5,000 army soldiers were sent to guard the border and Mr Trump reported Wednesday that he could send to 15,000 soldiers at the borderwhich is more than the number currently deployed in Afghanistan.

This week, he also threatened to end aid to some Central American countries. In an interview with Axios on Tuesday, he announced his intention to end citizenship based on the birthright by decree.

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