Trump Rally in Montana: Trump Visits Montana to Rally Republican Senate Candidate Before Traveling to Florida – Live Updates


President Trump will gather Republican candidates in Belgrade, Montana on Saturday afternoon, especially Senate candidate Matt Rosendale, who defies Democratic Senator Jon Tester. This is the first of two rallies in which Trump participates on Saturday; he will be going to Florida for a rally in the evening.

Although Trump won Montana 20 points in 2016, Tester keeps a small lead over Rosendale. A CBS News Battleground Tracker: poll starting in September, Tester led Rosendale among potential voters between 47 and 45%. CBS News Battleground Tracker attributes to the race the status of "advanced democrat".

Mr. Trump has a personal animosity towards Tester, the Senator who helped torpedo the appointment of Dr. Ronny Jackson to the position of Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs, due to allegations of substance abuse during labor. However, at a rally in Montana in October, he acknowledged that Jackson "did not really want him, and he might not have been qualified." Mr. Trump again mentioned Jackson and his animosity towards Tester on Saturday.

"He tried to destroy it, and I never forgot it," he said about Jackson's skepticism about Jackson's background, adding that it was one of the most some of the main reasons he was fighting against him in Montana. He also expressed regret for proposing Jackson's candidacy, even though he did not necessarily want the job, stating, "I feel guilty because I'm the one who said," You should do it. "

At a rally in Montana on Saturday, Trump delivered a speech similar to the ones he made this week, starting with boasting about economic progress. He said the media would never discuss low unemployment and other economic gains, but instead focus on "Russia".

"We will not say that she was a lousy candidate, nor certainly that he was a good candidate," Trump said, mimicking reporters, suggesting that reporters would prefer to blame Russia for the presidency. Mr Trump win that say, he was a better candidate than Hillary Clinton.

He then referred to the "Russian hoax", referring to the investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 election. This is the first time that Mr. Trump addresses this issue. subject for weeks.

He also had a lengthy discussion about Justice Brett Kavanaugh of the Supreme Court, who was charged with sexual assault. He criticized Test for voting against Kavanaugh. The president also spoke to a woman who had written a letter to Senator Kamala Harris accusing Kavanaugh of sexual assault, which retracted this week.

"It was a lie.It was a total lie.It was a fake," he told about the woman's story, showing the media when he said "fake". "About rape, she lied, and we are supposed to sit down and take it." He also asked "What about the others," referring to Kavanaugh's other accusers. One of them, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, testified before the Senate about her allegations. None of the other women who accused Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct retracted.

The president's largely focused on illegal immigration a few days before the election, a topic that could motivate Trump's base to stand up and vote mid-term, even though it's not the same. 39, it does not appear on the ballot.

AT rally in Indiana On Friday, the president repeated familiar speeches about immigration, and in particular a caravan of migrants en route to the United States of Central America a few weeks from the border. He repeated the same language at the rally in Montana.

"Democrats want to invite caravan after caravan," Mr Trump said falsely, repeating word for word a phrase he had used at the rally in Indiana.

"A Republican Congress means more jobs and fewer crimes – a Democratic Congress means fewer jobs and more crimes – very simple, I like that," he said.

Trump also rallies in Montana to support Republican Representative Greg Gianforte. Mr. Trump congratulated Gianforte for slamming a journalist in 2016, while continuing to criticize the fact that voting for Democrats means voting for a "crowd". "All the guys who can do slam, that 's my candidate, that' s my guy," Trump said at a rally in October.

Gianforte pleaded guilty to assaulting a Guardian journalist in June 2017, the day before the state's special elections. Mr. Trump's comment attracted the applause of the crowd.

The goal of Mr. Trump in these rallies is to convince Republican voters. Externally, the president is optimistic about whether Republicans will keep control of the House, but he cautioned this optimism before heading to gathering in West Virginia Friday afternoon.

"It looks like the campaign is going very well," Trump told reporters at White House South Lawn on Wednesday. "Looks like we're doing very well in the Senate, and a lot of seats we did not really think about in terms of winning a year ago could very well be victories." The House is made up of many people. I mean, we have a lot of people, and I think we're going to do well in the House, but I know we're doing well in the Senate, but all is well in the House, we're going to have to see. has so many people. "

Many Republicans would like the president to stay focused on the booming economy and on measures such as tax cuts, but if Mr. Trump mentions his economic achievements during his appearances in the countryside, it is not a central part of his rallies. "Sometimes it 's not as exciting to talk about economics because we have a lot of other things to discuss," he said at the rally in West Virginia.

On Thursday, he delivered a speech in the Roosevelt Room, claiming that his administration was finalizing its plan to deny asylum outside the designated entry points along the border, and that it was not safe for anyone to go out of their way. he would sign a decree next week. The president continued his attacks on the caravan and announced that he could deploy up to 15,000 soldiers to deter migrants, most of whom are seeking asylum. He also stated that he would terminate citizenship through an executive or congressional order, claiming that the 14th amendment did not cover citizenship.

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