Trump rejects architect of bin Laden's raid as "Hillary Clinton supporter"


In the interview, Trump engaged in a tense exchange with Chris Wallace of Fox News when the host referred to McRaven, a vocal critic of Trump who had led the operation in 2011 under the government of former President Barack Obama.

"Bill McRaven, retired admiral of the 37-year-old Navy Seal, former US special operations officer …" began Wallace.

"A fan of Hillary Clinton," Trump said, cutting Wallace off.

"Special operations …" Wallace continued.

"Excuse me, fan of Hillary Clinton," Trump said.

"Who led the operations," Wallace added, "commanded the operations that killed Saddam Hussein and killed Osama bin Laden, said your feeling was the greatest threat to democracy in his lifetime," referring to to McRaven's criticism of Trump's attacks on the media.

"OK, it's Hilary Clinton's support and Obama's support, and frankly … would not it have been nice if we had Osama bin Laden much earlier than that? Would not it have been nice? You know, live – think about it. "Live in Pakistan, beautifully in Pakistan."

After Wallace asked him if the president would give McRaven any credit for the elimination of bin Laden, Trump said he "shot him," but quickly spoke of US aid to Pakistan. , where bin Laden was killed.

In response to Trump's remarks, McRaven told CNN: "I did not support Hillary Clinton or anyone else, I'm a fan of President Obama and President George W. Bush, who I'm not sure of. I have worked for … I admire all the presidents, regardless of their political party, who defends the dignity of the office and who uses it to bring the country closer to the times of hard times.I maintain my point, namely that President's attack on the media is the biggest threat to our democracy in my lifetime.the people's right to a free press and to freedom of speech and expression, then you are threatening the Constitution and all that who defends it. "

In August, McRaven published Trump's staggering reprimand in an editorial in the Washington Post, saying that Trump's actions had "embarrassed us in the eyes of our children, humiliated us on the world stage and, worse yet," . , divided us as a nation. "

Jake Tapper and Zachary Cohen from CNN contributed to this report.

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