Trump rejects Michael Bloomberg's presidential chances in 2020: "I think Democrats will devour him"


Former New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg attends a rally of moms at City Hall at Nashua City Hall, New Hampshire, on October 13th. (Cheryl Senter / AP)

President Trump said Tuesday that he thought "it's okay" that Michael R. Bloomberg may be running for president in 2020 and predicted that the billionaire, the former mayor of New York Former Republican and independent, would not pass the Democratic primary.

"I think the Democrats are going to eat it," Trump said in an interview with Trish Regan of the Fox Business Network. "You know, a lot of people are running. I hear names that are terribly bad, but they are mean. "

Bloomberg announced last week that he had registered as a Democrat. He said he would "consider" a potential offer to the White House after the semester. In the meantime, he pledged to spend up to $ 100 million this year to support Democratic House and Senate candidates, including a $ 20 million donation to the major democratic Senate this month. this.

Trump told Regan that he was considering "100%" to run for office in 2020. He also dismissed the chances of Michael Avenatti, the lawyer representing Stormy's adult film actress. Daniels.

"Oh, I do not think it's a serious person," said Trump about Avenatti.

Trump also touched on various issues discussed in the interview, including the economy, his support for women, the investigation by the special advocate Robert S. Mueller III in Russia and the disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi, Washington Post contributor.

Trump claimed that her performance among the voters in 2016 was "phenomenal", citing her as "one of the reasons, probably the reason I won, in a true sense."

Trump won 41% of women in 2016. Yet, during the election campaign, he often misrepresented this figure, mistakenly claiming that he had won the support of 52% of women. (It is unclear whether Trump's statements on this number in the past were references to white women, of which 52% supported it in 2016.)

About Khashoggi's disappearance, Trump said, "It depends on whether the king or crown prince [of Saudi Arabia] knew about it. "

"Let's hope we hear the right answers," he told Regan.

Khashoggi, a Saudi citizen, was a resident of the United States.

Trump also mocked that his campaign was plotted with Russia to win the 2016 elections, one of the targets of Mueller's ongoing investigation.

"Do you think I called Russia? "I need help in Idaho." "I need help in Iowa." "Oh, let's call Russia." It's a scam, Trump said.

He declined to say whether Attorney General Jeff Sessions would remain in office, just saying, "I'm not going to tell you that. We'll see what happens."

And Trump claimed that his administration was working harder than former President Barack Obama to prevent foreign interference in the US elections.

"I have done more with the new election, the upcoming election, than Obama has ever done in 2016," he said.

Some experts have questioned Trump's leaders on the issue, saying his reluctance to recognize Russia's targeting of the 2016 campaign had cast doubt on the effectiveness of his administration's efforts.

On the economic front, Trump again criticized Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome H. Powell for continuing to raise interest rates.

"My biggest threat is the Fed because the Fed is raising rates too quickly," said Trump. "And since he's independent, I do not talk to them, but I'm not happy about what he's doing because it's going too fast."

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