Trump rejects the report on his intercept calls as "boring" and "wrong"


Several West Wing officials have stated that Jordan Karem, oval office operations manager, had told his colleagues that he was reviewing the president's call logs from the standard every morning and was filling out the role of Chief of Staff, John F. Kelly. White House officials said that an email was sent each morning to a number of officials detailing the call log.

Officials quoted in The Times newspaper said they did not fear Trump would reveal secrets during his calls. The President rarely delves into the sensitive details of secret and military operations, and he has long been paranoid about recording his appeals.

China and Russia, for their part, have also rejected the report of the Times, ridiculing it without denying it exactly.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying suggested that "some people in the United States" were competing for the "Oscar for the Best Original Screenplay" and were even using a familiar Trump trope, warning the newspaper. that he might be called "False news."

The best way to prevent calls being intercepted was to avoid "any modern communications device," she said.

Ms. Hua then asked a Chinese competitor of the iPhone that Mr. Trump favors. "If they are very worried about the use of iPhones, they can use Huawei," she said, referring to the telecommunications giant, which itself raised security concerns. in the United States, potentially vulnerable to Chinese intelligence agencies.

In Russia, Kremlin spokesman Dmitri S. Peskov offered a similar amused response.

"Ask the newspaper," he said about the article, according to Ria Novosti, an official news agency. "Apparently, they have some kind of detailed information on this topic that gives them the opportunity to publish such information. All in all, we treat this kind of subject with humor. "

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