Trump Says He Will Announce Supreme Court Pick on July 9


BEDMINSTER, NJ – Trump President said Friday that he plans to announce his pick to replace Justice Anthony M. Kennedy on July 9, quickly kicking off a confirmation battle that the White House and Senate Republicans hope to finish by early fall. 19659002] Speaking to reporters aboard Air Force One as he flew to his Bedminster, NJ, golf resort for the weekend, Mr. Trump said that he has narrowed down his Supreme Court candidates to "about five people," including two women. He later said he would "probably interview six or seven altogether."

"We have great people," Mr. Trump said, describing them "highly talented, very brilliant, mostly conservative judges." Mr. Trump said that he

Justice Kennedy, who is retiring after three decades on the Supreme Court, gives Mr. Trump a historic opportunity to shift the ideological makeup of the court with a reliably conservative jurist who Justice Kennedy to align with the court 's liberal members

Mr. Trump has said he would pick from a list of 25 people, most of them federal judges.

Democrats Have Warned That Anyone on Mr. Trump's list would support overturning Roe v. The United States of America. Wade, the landmark 1973 case that established a woman's right to an abortion. Activists are already gearing up to fight whomever.

Roe v. Wade, Mr. Trump said, "I'm not going to ask them that question."

Asked about Senator Mike Lee of Utah, who is on his list of potential Supreme Court candidates, the president said he had seen Mr. Lee on television talking about how he would like to be considered for the court seat, and "usually they do not usually say that."

Mr. Trump's timeline for announcing his pick that he is eager to get the confirmation process started. Marc Short, the president's legislative director, is an aggressive schedule for the process that would have the full force of the future.

"As the process moves forward with the Senate staying here through August, "Mr. Short told reporters at the White House."

"Hopefully hearings would be on the run of the summer, and by the time we come back from Labor "Mr. Short said."

Senator Mitch McConnell, Republican of Kentucky and the Major Leader, described A similar timeline on Friday in an interview with Fox News.

"We should be able to work through the confirmation process sometime before early fall," Mr. McConnell said. He said he hoped the president would pick up some support from Democrats despite the criticism of liberals that began after Justice Kennedy announced his retirement.

"We're not assuming this is just going to be a straight party-line vote, "Mr. McConnell said. "I think there will be some Democrats who find the nominee attractive. We'll have to see – we have not nominated yet. It was a lot easier to talk about it. "

In addition to talking about the Supreme Court, Mr. Trump also told reporters that he planned to discuss a variety of topics – including Syria, Ukraine and elections – with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia during their inaugural summit meeting next month in Helsinki, Finland

"We do not want anyone tampering with elections," Mr. Trump said, a day after posting on Twitter that "Russia continues to say they had nothing to do with Meddling in our Election!"

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