Trump says he's considering two women for the Supreme Court, will announce pick on July 9


President Trump speaks to journalists aboard Air Force One in flight while he travels from Andrews Common Base to Maryland, Bedminster, NJ (Saul Loeb / AFP / Getty Images) [19659002] President Trump said Friday that he has reduced his list of Supreme Court Finalists to five candidates, including two women, and plans to announce his candidate on July 9, a day before his departure for a European trip of a week.

Trump moves quickly to fill the vacancy created by the announcement of the retirement of Judge Anthony M. Kennedy on Wednesday, in part to give the Senate time to consider the candidate and hold votes before the elections November mid-term

"I love them all," Trump told Air Force One. "We have great people …"

Trump said he would choose a candidate from a list of 25 names, including many federal and state court judges across the country. [19659006] [ Who's on The List of President Trump to Replace Judge Kennedy?]

Trump said Friday that his Supreme Court selection process would start seriously on Monday and that he would interview " A total of six or seven candidates. "He said he planned to interview one or two this weekend in Bedminster, New Jersey, where he spends time with his family on his private golf course.

The Way Forward for Trump's Second Supreme Court Candidate [19659009] The President said that he had no intention of asking candidates about their positions on Roe v. Wade the historic decision on abortion rights.

"I will not ask them that question" [19659010] Earlier on Friday, Trump made similar comments in an interview with Fox News and said he was looking for a candidate who closely models Judge Neil M. Gorsuch, appointed by Trump in January 2017.

Requested by Maria Bartiromo of Fox S & # 39; he asked potential candidates how they could get down on Roe v. Wade Trump said, "Well, it's a big one. And probably not. They all say, "Do not do that, you do not do that, you should not do that," but I put conservative people.

"I'm very proud of Neil Gorsuch," Trump continued. "He was outstanding. His opinions are so well written and so brilliant. I will try to do something like that, but I do not think I will be so specific.

In his conversation with Air Force One reporters, during the fast afternoon flight to New Jersey from Washington, Trump nominated a potential candidate for the tribunal, Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah ), indicating that Lee was yearning for the appointment.

"He said that he would like the job," said Trump. "Usually, they do not say that."

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