Trump says he's going to answer some "questions" from Mueller


President TrumpDonald John TrumpHillary Clinton leaves the door open for the race to 2020: "I would like to be president" Protesters unveil the pro-trans banner at the World Series Trump congratulates Brazilian Bolsonaro for his presidential victory PLUS during an interview on Monday, he stated that he would answer "probably" to "some" questions asked to the special advocate Robert MuellerRobert Swan MuellerSasse: The United States should applaud Mueller's choice to lead the investigation into RussiaThe company's investigation into the links between the Trump presidential campaign and Russia.

His comments come a few hours after his lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, told Bloomberg News that Trump's legal team had prepared written answers to dozens of questions from Mueller. Giuliani added that they would only share these answers with the Mueller team after the mid-term elections, which will take place next week.


"I mean it's ridiculous to have to do anything because we did not do anything," Trump told Laura Ingraham of Fox News in "The Ingraham Angle."

"But we will probably do something, yes, where we will answer some questions," he added.

Ingraham did not press him further.

Giuliani said Monday that Trump was up to now only willing to answer questions about possible collusion with Russia in 2016. He refuses to answer any questions related to his possible obstruction to the Mueller probe.

He also stated that an interview in person with Mueller was "secret".

Trump spent months calling Mueller's investigation a "witch hunt," claiming there was "no collusion" between his campaign and the Kremlin.

According to several reports, Mueller could reveal some of the findings of his ongoing investigation after the mid-term elections.

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