Trump says that climate change is not a hoax, but that it will "come back again"


WASHINGTON (AP) – President Donald Trump gives up on his statement that climate change is a hoax, but he does not know if he is of human origin and suggests that the climate will "go back" .

In an interview with CBS's "60 Minutes" broadcast on Sunday night, Trump said he did not want to put the United States at a disadvantage in the fight against climate change.

"I think something is happening, something is changing and it's going to change again," he said. "I do not think it's a hoax, I think there's probably a difference, but I do not know if it's made by the man. do not want to give billions and billions of dollars, I do not want to lose millions and millions of jobs. "

Trump called climate change a hoax in November 2012 when he sent a tweet in which he said: "The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese to make uncompetitive manufacturing in the States. -United." He later said that he was joking about the Chinese connection, but for years, he continues to call the hoax global warming.

"I do not deny climate change," he said in an interview. "But that could very well go back in. You know, we're talking about over … million years."

With respect to the "coming back" climate, NASA's and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's temperature registers show that the world has not had a colder than average year since 1976 or a month colder than normal since the end of the month. from 1985.

Trump, who is due to travel Monday to areas of Georgia and Florida damaged by Hurricane Michael, has also expressed doubts about the findings of scientists who associate climate change with more powerful hurricanes. .

"They say we've had heavier hurricanes than we've had with Michael," said Trump, who identified "they" as "people" after being squeezed by the correspondent of "60 Minutes ", Leslie Stahl. She asked, "What about scientists who say it's worse than ever?" the president replied: "You will have to show me the scientists because they have a very big political agenda."

Trump's comments come just days after a Nobel Prize-winning panel of climate change experts warned that global warming would increase climate-related risks to health; subsistence, food security, water supply, human security and economic growth. The report explained how the weather, health and ecosystems of the Earth would be healthier if world leaders could somehow limit future warming caused by humans.

Citing his concerns about the economic impact of the pact, Trump said in 2017 that the United States would leave the Paris climate deal. The agreement set voluntary targets for greenhouse gas emissions to reduce the impact of fossil fuels.

On another topic, Trump told "60 Minutes" that he was surprised by the fact that Washington was a hard, misleading and divisive place, although some accuse the mogul of the real estate elected president of the same tactics.

"So, I always said the toughest people are real estate people in Manhattan and that's blah, blah," he said. "Now, I say that they are babies."

He said the politicians in Washington had changed his thinking.

"It's the most misleading and vicious world, it's vicious, it's full of lies, deception and deception," he said. "You make a deal with someone and it's like you're doing a bargain with this table."

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