Trump says the leader of the only populist government in Europe "does a fantastic job"


President Trump shakes hands with Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte during a meeting at the Oval Office at the White House on Monday. (Jabin Botsford / Washington Post)

President Trump hosted on Monday at the White House the new Italian Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, eager to show the rise in Europe of a like-minded populist, with a difficult approach to immigration. Trump emphasized their common point of view on the subject while he and Conte sat down for an oval office meeting.

"He is a man who does a fantastic job," said Trump.

"I totally agree with what he does about migration and illegal immigration, and even legal immigration," Trump said. "

"I know he's taken a very tough stance on the border, a position that few countries have taken, and frankly he's doing the right thing. opinion, "said Trump. "Many other countries in Europe should do that as well."

Trump had previously acclaimed Conte's role as the sole supporter of Trump's hope of inviting Russia into the economic club of the Group of Seven.

The Coalition Government Conte shares the # 39 Trump's opinion that immigration became uncontrollable and Trump tweeted last month that in selecting Conte, "the Italian people were right".

Conte, a voice advocate with no political experience, was a consensual choice after two right-wing populist political movements led the results of the March 4 Italian elections. The electoral plans that led to the only European populist government are familiar: promises of repression of migration, suspicion of decisions and collective regulations in Europe, desire to improve relations with Russia and reduce sanctions against Moscow.

The common ground is a rare example of transatlantic cooperation at a time when Trump forged alliances by imposing tariffs, criticizing German and British leaders, and criticizing NATO allies for not respecting not the military spending targets. 19659011] Trump called the European Union "commercial enemy" before reaching a tentative agreement to improve its trade relations with Europe last week.

Immigration, "said Trump at a press conference at NATO Headquarters." Giuseppe, whom I've known very well in the last month and a half , he won his election because of strong immigration policies on Italy. "

Tale did not win an election, but was chosen as compromise between the far" The League United Nations and the Five-Star Movement politically more amorphous. "

Italy is one of the European nations that do not reach the goal of defense spending of 2% of GDP, but helps The United States in Afghanistan The United States wants Italy to maintain its role in Afghanistan, even if the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs defense, Elisabetta Trenta, said the country could reduce its commitment to troops. addEventListener ("DOMContentLoaded", function () {});
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