Trump says there are no limits to the Kavanaugh investigation of the FBI … and he does not tell the truth


President Donald Trump may assert that the FBI was "left free" to investigate allegations of sexual misconduct against Brett Kavanaugh, a Supreme Court candidate, but the facts suggest that this investigation was considerably scaled down.

In response to a news report from NBC News that Trump's White House had limited the scope of the FBI's investigation into Kavanaugh's background, Trump tweeted, "I want them to interview those who have been killed. they deem appropriate, at their discretion ". Later, the president told reporters that the FBI had "freedom" in his investigation, adding that he "would do whatever he had to do." Whatever it is, he would things that we have never even thought of, and fortunately at the conclusion everything will be fine. "

Yet this statement does not tell the whole story. Although four witnesses are being interviewed in the coming days on various details of Kavanaugh's allegations of sexual assault, former classmates who have made submissions contradict Kavanaugh's testimony about His past consumption of alcohol and feasting were excluded from the list, according to The New York Times. Likewise, since the FBI's investigation will not last more than a week, it will actually be a limited background check rather than an investigation. full share.

It is also interesting to note that the Democratic senators were kept out of the discussion as to who would be questioned, while Senate Republicans drafted the list of witnesses to be followed by the FBI, this list being shared with the Trump White House by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

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The Times also reported the identity of the people who will be interviewed by the FBI:

The four witnesses were Mr. Judge; Leland Keyser, a high school friend of Dr. Blasey, who reportedly attended the party but was not informed of the assault; P.J. Smyth, another party guest; and Mrs. Ramirez, the accuser of Yale.

Mark Judge is a friend of Kavanaugh whom he knows since the alleged incident in high school and who, according to Christine Blasey Ford, was in the room when Kavanaugh arrested her and attempted to rape her. P. J. Smyth is another party guest who, according to Ford, was present in the house when the alleged events occurred. Deborah Ramirez is a former Yale undergraduate student who says Kavanaugh was exposed to her at a party. And Leland Keyser is a Ford high school friend who, according to Kavanaugh, has refuted Ford's story, even if it's not quite accurate.

"Ms. Keyser does not refute Dr. Ford's story, and she has already told the press that she believed in the story of Dr. Ford," said Keyser's lawyer, Howard Walsh, at the NYC, in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee. "However, the simple and immutable truth is that she is unable to corroborate it because she does not remember the incident in question."

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