Trump says to stand for reelection, had Brexit discuss with Queen Elizabeth


LONDON (Reuters) – US President Donald Trump said he planned to stand in the 2020 legislative elections because "everyone wants me to do it" and no Democratic nominees can not defeat him.

U.S. President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump leave the residence of the US Ambassador, Winfield House, London, July 12, 2018. REUTERS / Kevin Lamarque

Interviewed by British reporter Piers Morgan in a given interview Friday ran in 2020, Trump was quoted by the Mail on Sunday as saying, "Well, I have the intention of … it seems like everyone wants it."

Trump said that he saw no democrat who could beat him: "I do not see anyone, I know them all and I do not see anyone."

Before leaving Britain for a summit in Finland with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Trump violated the British royal protocol by publicly disclosing the details of a conversation he had had with Queen Elizabeth, the complexities of Brexit.

When it was asked when he was discussing Brexit with the monarch when they met each other on Friday for tea at Windsor Castle, Trump said:

"I did it. She said that it was a very – and she's right – it's a very complex problem, I think nobody knew how complicated it was going to be … Everyone thought it was going be 'Oh it's simple, we join join us, or see what happens. "

United States President Donald Trump pumps his fist as he and first lady Melania Trump arrive in Glasgow, Scotland, Britain on July 13, 2018. REUTERS / Kevin Lamarque

Speaking of Queen of 92, Trump would have said: is an incredible woman, she is so strong, she is so beautiful, when I say beautiful – inside and out.This is a beautiful wife. "

Asked if Trump felt that the Queen had loved him, he said," Well, I do not want to speak for her, but I can tell you that I loved her. So usually it helps, but I liked it a lot. "

" Just very elegant, and very beautiful, it was really something special, "Trump said of the meeting. "She is so strong, so wise, so beautiful, and you can see that she is so beautiful."

During a stormy trip to Europe, Trump harangued members of the party. NATO military alliance, criticized Germany for its reliance on Russian energy and shocked Britain by publicly criticizing Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit strategy.

Trump s & # He is later apologized to May for the fury of his withered public criticism, accusing "false news" and promising instead a bilateral trade agreement with Britain after his departure from the European Union in March 2019. [19659004] Of his next meeting with Putin Monday, Trump was more cautious

"I think we could probably get along very well. Someone said you are friends or foes? I've said it's too early to say, "said Trump, quoted by the Mail on Sunday.

" Right now I say we're competitive but for the United States, and frankly the UK and other countries, to get along with Russia and China and all these other places … it's a good thing, it's not bad thing. It's a very good thing. "

Reportage of Guy Faulconbridge, edited by James Davey and Daniel Wallis

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