Trump says troops will use "deadly force" at the border "if they must"


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By Jonathan Allen

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump said Thursday that US troops he sent to the national border would use deadly force to prevent migrants from entering the country "if they had to."

Earlier this week, Trump allowed the military to enforce its rules of engagement at the border, rather than those of national law enforcement agencies.

"If they must, they will use deadly force," he said. "I – I have given the green light.So they have to.I hope they do not have to."

He added that he would "close" the border entry if he deem it necessary to prevent immigration. Just before the midterm elections, earlier this month, Trump sent thousands of soldiers to the US-Mexico border in response to the advance of migrant caravans in Latin America.

Critics of Trump's use of force policy pointed out that it was likely to enter into a jumble of federal laws, constitutional principles and international law – including the Posse Comitatus law, which a few exceptions, excludes the army of domestic law – enforcement activities.

"The Posse Comitatus law prevents the president from using troops to enforce domestic politics. For all the obvious reasons. Joyce White Vance, former federal prosecutor and MSNBC collaborator, wrote on Twitter on Wednesday. "It was promulgated in 1878. Only Trump could think of violating it, and like all things with Trump, once you break a standard, he slips quickly on the slippery slope."

Trump, frustrated by Congress's refusal to fund the border wall he promised to build between the United States and Mexico, repeatedly described migrants fleeing Central America as an invading force.

Most Democrats and some Republicans oppose the Wall of Borders, and the House Democrats' victory at halfway means that he is less likely to get the money he is looking for for a border wall.

Trump said he would close the border – to people and commerce – if Mexico did not prevent migrants from trying to enter the United States.

"We are going to close the border, which means that Mexicans will not be able to sell their cars in the United States until it's open," he said on Thursday. "But we will need a border or not. And when they lose control of the border on the Mexican side, we close the border. "

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