Trump says US plans "tent cities" for migrants


Washington (AFP) – President Donald Trump announced Monday that his administration is planning to build tents for thousands of Central American migrants en route to Mexico in the United States.

The announcement during an interview with Fox News took place as the Pentagon announced that it was deploying 5,200 soldiers on active duty to enhance security, and followed weeks of heated speeches. against the migrant from the president in anticipation of the crucial congressional elections mid-term next week.

"If they ask for asylum, we will keep them until the end of the trial, we will retain them, we will build tent cities, we will build tents everywhere."

"We will not build structures and will not spend hundreds of millions of dollars, we will have tents, they will be very nice, and they will wait, and if they do not get asylum they will go out. "

He added that asylum seekers would remain in detention during the processing of their application, which he said would deter immigration applicants from coming to the United States.

"If you want to wait, they usually do not get asylum.You know it well.The problem is that they release them and that they have the lawsuit three years later and no one presents themselves .

"But we are going, unlike Obama and others, we will take people, we will bring them in, and they will wait."

"When people discover that this is happening, there will be a lot less people."

Trump has been conducting an intensive campaign for weeks, frequently addressing the issue of the migrant caravan and fueling anti-immigrant concerns among voters.

He is expected to hold 11 rallies in the days leading up to the November 6 midterm elections, which Washington experts call a "referendum on his presidency".

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