COUNCIL BLUFFS, Iowa (Reuters) – US President Donald Trump on Tuesday used the bitter struggle for Senate confirmation before Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh to boost Republican voters' enthusiasm and prevent a democratic takeover of Congress in the November 6 election.
Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Associate Judge of the United States Supreme Court, is sworn in at the public swearing-in ceremony of US President Donald Trump and Liza and Margaret Kavanaugh's daughters in the East Room of the White House. Washington. REUTERS / Jonathan Ernst
At a political rally supporting the Republicans of Iowa and Nebraska, Trump called the Democrats' attempt to block Kavanaugh from the High Court's "national embarrassment, national shame," without mention the charge of sexual assault raised by Christine Blasey Ford when she and Kavanaugh. were high school students in 1982.
"They wanted to destroy this man. Of course, they also want to destroy me, "Trump told a jubilant crowd in an arena at Council Bluffs, Iowa, in a town near Omaha, Nebraska.
"In just four weeks, you will have the opportunity to make your verdict on the scandalous conduct of the Democrats," he added.
Trump staged a solemn swearing-in ceremony for Kavanaugh on Monday night at the White House, to apologize to him and his family for the contentious confirmation process. Kavanaugh was confirmed 50-48 by the Senate on Saturday, with only one Democrat to support him.
At his event in Iowa, Trump said a democratic congressional takeover could allow Democrats to remove Kavanaugh, a prospect that some Democrats have evoked.
"Democrats even talk about doing very bad things to Judge Kavanaugh," said Trump. "You know what they are talking about and who fill their courts with radical judges to override the will of the American people. It's not going to happen to people. "
Making fun of some Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee who pleaded against Kavanaugh, Trump said, "Democrats have become too dangerous to govern. They went crazy. "
Opinion polls show that Democratic voters are more enthusiastic about voting in congressional elections, but Republicans have narrowed the gap in recent weeks and are using the Kavanaugh battle to try to motivate their constituents.
The party that owns the White House usually loses seats in the mid-term legislative elections.
Many analysts predict that Democrats will be able to take control of the House of Representatives, but it is far from clear that they can also capture the Senate.
A democratic takeover of Congress could expose Trump to impeachment investigations and conduct multiple investigations to his administration as he prepares for his own fight for reelection in 2020.
Trump travels to key states and raises millions of dollars for Republican candidates in Congress.
Report from Steve Holland; Edited by Peter Cooney
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