Trump should appoint a "real conservative" to the Supreme Court


Alan Dershowitz, Harvard law professor and Fox News contributor, said Tuesday that he hoped that President Trump would appoint a "real conservative" to the Supreme Court to help expand Trump's base and to unify the country.

"I hope that [Trump] seeks [a] a libertarian conservative, a true conservative, who elevates the rights of the individual over the power of the government," said Dershowitz to "Fox and Friends ". "A true conservative also respects the previous ones, does not come to court with an agenda, with a list of questions that he wants to see change."

Dershowitz also stated that Trump may be called upon to choose somebody not only partly on recommendation, but also especially on his own personal interaction with these people.

Fox News animators told Dershowitz that many Democrats were against Amy Coney Barrett, whom Trump met on Monday and is one of the biggest names he's considering appointing because of his religious beliefs that, in their opinion, could lead to overthrow Roe v. Wade .

"Well, you know that the Constitution says that no religious test will ever be required for a post under the United States.It would be unconstitutional and immoral to negatively consider religious views of any kind. a person, "said Dershowitz.

Judge Anthony Kennedy announced last month that he will retire from the Supreme Court at the end of July after serving 30 years of his sentence. His vacancy allows Trump to appoint the second judge of his presidency to the Supreme Court.

However, the Democrats said that they will try to block Trump's candidate until after the mid-term elections of 2018 in November, when they hope to regain the majority in Congress so that they can do so. they can have more control over who is confirmed.

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