Trump slams the ninth circuit on "out of control" | Video


Siding to reporters at Mar-a-Lago for Thanksgiving, President Trump lamented the "terrible decisions of the Ninth Circuit" after the Federal Court of Appeal overturned its plan to nay ############################################################################## accept only asylum applications at entry points located at the US-Mexico border. He also criticized the court in a series of tweets, calling the California federal court a "total disaster" with a "horrible reputation".

"We are getting a lot of bad court decisions from the ninth circuit, which has become a big thorn in our camp," he said. "It's a terrible thing when judges take over your protection services, when they tell you how to protect your border. It's a shame."

TRUMP: Well, the border is moving very well. It has become very strong. We get terrible decisions from the ninth circuit, as usual. I do not know if we have already had a victory in the ninth circuit. We must appeal, appeal. Many of their decisions are overturned, in general, and it is a shame. It's a pity. It's a shame, frankly. And essentially, they legislate. They say what to do. A judge, sitting far away, tells our incredible army and our police force what to do. And that's not correct, and it's been going on for a long time. And we are doing really well, considering that the laws are a disaster. And if we had the right laws, it would cost much less and we would do it much more easily.

But we do not have the right laws and we have people who interpret the laws and always give us a bad interpretation.

So, hopefully, we showed some light on the ninth circuit. I know that Chief Justice Roberts – John Roberts – talked a bit about it. And I think we have – and I have a lot of respect for him. I like him and I respect him. But I think we need to use some common sense. The ninth circuit – everyone knows – is totally out of control. And what they do, what they say, opinions are very unfair to the forces of order. They are very unfair to our military. Above all, they are very unfair to the people of our country because I protect them.

And you see how much we have strengthened, and all that – all the many fights you see happening at the border are all happening in Mexico.

And Mexico can not believe how hard these people are. The mayor of Tijuana and so many others said, "Good God, these are difficult people. They start fighting right away. they are difficult people. You have a lot of criminals in this caravan and the big caravan has not arrived yet. And we are very well fortified. We have fences and walls as few people have done. We were able to do it fast enough. Concertino wire – concertina wire. And so many other things are here now that they do not have it. And they do not pass. We do not let criminals enter our country. I have to enter legally. You must enter a process.

And we want people to come in, because I have a lot, a lot of companies going back to the United States. They open car factories. They open factories all over the country. The United States is booming. Our unemployment rate is the lowest we have had in most groups.

So we have a lot of good things going on. We need workers, but they must enter legally. We want them to come in, but they have to be people who want to work and want to do a great job for our country. They enter through a merit system. They must enter.

At present, under Democrats, they do not have a merit-based system. They want open borders, and people can just enter. You have extremely dangerous people in these caravans. And we do not want them to enter the United States and we will not let them go.

We are throwing the MS-13 and so many others. We are driving them out of our country by the thousands, over the years, and by the thousands. And we bring back cities, we secure them and we do a great job.

But we are very touched by the ninth circuit. Everyone ranks in the ninth circuit. I did not see anyone file files elsewhere. They go automatically to the ninth circuit. They could go anywhere in the country. And I think we will have to stop this one way or another.

The judges will have to meet, our congress will have to meet and stop. Because they take advantage of our country by constantly and consistently depositing – pretty much, pretty much what I see – in the ninth circuit. Even our legislation that we passed failed in the ninth circuit; he failed in the call of the ninth circuit. He then won in the Supreme Court.

And it's just too bad, because it really hurts people. It hurts our forces enormously. And now that the army is on the border, our army is really suffering. And frankly, when they hear these decisions, they are professional. The military, the police, the first responders, can not believe the decisions made by these judges.

That's what they do; they enforce the law and enforce the law. And they make these decisions now, and they say, "Who makes these decisions?" They are not in – you know, lawyer business. They say, "Who makes these decisions? Who are the people who make those decisions that will make the situation dangerous for us," ie, law enforcement and the military? and make it dangerous for the United States? "

Despite that, we have a very powerful border and a lot of good things are happening.

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