Trump subjugated somewhat dampens the rhetoric at the Illinois rally


President Donald Trump

President Donald Trump pauses Saturday at a rally at Southern Illinois Airport in Murphysboro, Illinois. | Andrew Harnik / AP Photo

President Donald Trump, by his own admission, quieted his heated political rhetoric at a rally in southern Illinois on Saturday night following a deadly attack on a Pittsburgh synagogue.

At the 8,000-seat Murphysboro Airport Hangar, the President delivered some of his blistering attacks on political rivals or opposing groups to strengthen political allies across the state before the mid-term elections, with a broadly ambitious speech.

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Although Trump frequently insults the media on the spot to cover his remarks, the president refused to criticize them directly on Saturday – comparing reporters to Hollywood paparazzi rather than the people's enemies.

"Look, it's like the Oscars. Look at how many cameras they have there! Trump said to a lukewarm response, instead of being acclaimed and singing against the assembled media. "These are the Oscars! We are at the Oscars!

After the briefest mention of Hillary Clinton, her 2016 presidential opponent, Trump seemed to rule out the crowd's attempt to launch a "shut up" chant.

The President attacked Massachusetts' Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren, but it was a moderate attack, where he admitted he could not use his nickname since being tested for ancestry . "No, I can not use Pocahontas anymore," he said nostalgically.

He mentioned Maxine Waters, but without attaching another insult. There was no flogging of "Cryin & Chuck Schumer".

The president had said earlier in the evening to journalists to expect a more moderate gathering performance.

"I'm going to have a very different tone tonight," Trump said after arriving at the Southern Illinois Airport, according to a pool report. "I would like to be able to have the tone that I have, because I am very attached to that and I would have a very different tone if the press was unbiased." If the press was honest, I'd You'd be much different all the time. "

Trump was less diplomatic in his public statements following a bomb blast launched by an email earlier this week that was targeting CNN and several prominent Democrats. But Saturday's shooting deeply affected the president, he told reporters.

Eleven people died during an attack on the Synagogue of the Tree of Life in the very Jewish neighborhood of Squtsel Hill in Pittsburgh on Saturday – the deadliest attack on the synagogue in American history . Seven were wounded, including four law enforcement officers and the suspect.

"You feel different when you're president, you're responsible, and you see something like that. the level of pain is incredible, "said Trump, according to a pool report.

Nevertheless, Trump's more formal time on stage may not have been enough to satiate a prairie-thirsty audience of flame-throwing oratories that the president has used at rallies in other districts. on the battlefield in the last few weeks.

"If you do not mind, I'm going to linger a bit," Trump said about 10 minutes into his remarks. "Are you OK?"

When the crowd responded in the negative, the president said, "I had the feeling that you could say that."

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