Trump takes center stage in the second debate between Warren and Diehl


SPRINGFIELD – Senator Elizabeth Warren launched a sustained attack Sunday against GOP challenger Geoff Diehl, attempting to target the state's representative as an NRA flunkie, a supporter of offshore drilling, and a man for the president who "defended Donald Trump's hideous rants" and "adopted his dangerous policies."

Diehl repressed the televised debate by saying that he would always put Massachusetts in the foreground and that Warren really had his eyes on the White House, rather than a full second term.

"It's obvious with Senator Warren that she does not even want this position as a senator. She wants to be president. we all know it, "he said. "She's campaigning in states that are more important to her than Massachusetts."

President Trump dominated the discussion.

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Warren seemed to take every opportunity to remind voters that Diehl was the co-chair of Trump's campaign in Massachusetts and linked him to the president, who polls suggest suggests that voters in Massachusetts do not like it. Diehl, who lives in Whitman, tried to reverse Warren's situation, accusing the Democratic incumbent of being "obsessed" by Trump because she wants to challenge him in 2020.

The second race debate, moderated by Carrie Saldo of the WGBY and led by a media consortium from western Massachusetts, was largely a modification of the first clash. The candidates revisited Trump's speech, played Friday night, as well as several others. political disagreements. They opposed Republican tax cuts, the GOP's efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, gun control and Washington's response to the devastation caused by the hurricane. in Puerto Rico.

The debate was briefly interrupted by members of the studio audience screaming about the hope of the Senate, Shiva Ayyadurai, an independent Belmont who will appear on the November 6 ballot, but did not did not participate in the debate. Several rowdy people were quickly abducted by the police and handcuffed.

Diehl has repeatedly described Warren as a liberal bomb thrower, claiming that she was one of the leading causes of "the toxic political environment" in Washington. For his part, he would have "a place at the table" as a supporter of the current administration, he said.

He turned a question about Trump's name calling into an attack on Warren, echoing the sentiments of many national Republicans who noted the Cambridge Democrat's heated speech.

He said that he was not following the same path as the president in the way he treated people, and then said that "my opponent also made some pretty disturbing comments. She said that anyone who voted for the president was part of an ugly racist stew, agree? She said that when the Republicans wanted to try to repair the health care, we wanted to get money from the blood of the American people.

In return, Warren continued to emphasize Trump's positions and statements that Diehl had either contentiously supported his defense of the president's attacks on a Latino judge during the 2016 campaign and Diehl's lack of commentary when Trump had withdrawn United States of the Paris Climate Agreement.

"Who does Mr. Diehl want to work in Washington for? He says he wants to work for the people of Massachusetts, but that he repeatedly defends Donald Trump, "even when the president's reaction to a disaster in Puerto Rico was to throw paper towels on a crowd and to falsely assert that a handful of people were dead, says Warren.

The official record in Puerto Rico would have been close to 3,000 dead, a number challenged by Trump.

Diehl is opposed to Warren being in favor of drilling at sea. He stated in a recent interview that he was opposed to anything that could harm the company. fishing industry.

Warren replied with an excerpt from a 2017 radio interview in which Diehl said about offshore drilling that "every place where we can get that energy in a reasonable way, I'm for.

Each expressed support for the construction of a suburban train service from the west to the east of the state. Politicians in western Massachusetts have long been stuck in their efforts to switch to high-speed rail service between Boston and Springfield, the country's third largest city.

"It's one of my top priorities, Warren Warren Warren said, to invest in infrastructure so we can get a high-speed train between Boston, Worcester and Springfield."

Diehl has launched the idea of ​​"private partnerships" for a rail expansion.

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation is studying the idea of ​​an east-west passenger rail service from Boston to Springfield and perhaps even to Pittsfield. A consultant has been retained, officials said, and the study will begin next year. It should take about 12 months.

During the debate, Warren struggled to answer the question at the heart of Diehl's attacks. Addressing reporters after the forum, Warren dodged the question of whether she would serve for six years if she were re-elected and whether a presidential candidate could also be a full-time senator.

"I work for the people of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts," said Warren, verb tense suggesting the possibility that she could work for the people of the United States somewhere in the future.

Victoria McGrane can be contacted at [email protected]. Joshua Miller can be contacted at [email protected].

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