Trump talked with Jeff Sessions as chief attorney general


Attorney General Jeff Sessions arrives for a meeting on security and anti-terror issues near Lyon, France, on Tuesday. (EMMANUEL FOUDROT / Reuters)

President Trump is a member of the Executive Board of the United States of America.

The conversation between Trump and Matthew G. Whitaker was somewhat nebulous, the people said. It was not clear, for example, whether or not Whitaker would take over a permanent basis, or how definitive the president's intentions were.

We have long list of indignities that Sessions has gotten out of his boss, Trump's doing it with his own top help stands out. Trump has wanted to fire Sessions The Trump campaign to influence the 2016 election. He has berated his attorney general publicly and privately, and recently told Hill.TV, "I do not have an attorney general."

Sessions, meanwhile, has been carefully researched and implemented by Trump's agenda.

In the trump administration, top officials at the Justice Department have learned to work every day could be their last. That has never been more true than in recent weeks. FBI director Andrew McCabe, Deputy Director General of the United States of America, who has been appointed to the position of Deputy Director General of the United States. .

In the wake of that reporting, Rosenstein offered to resign and traveled to the White House expecting to be fired. The administration lined up Whitaker to replace Rosenstein in an acting capacity, while Noel Francisco, the solicitor general, would take over the supervision of the special counsel probe. The conversation about whiteness in the context of whistle blowing the whistle.

Even the plan for Whitaker to fill the Justice Department's No. 2 post was scrapped, though, and he does not want to remove Rosenstein. Rosenstein has generically disputed the Times report, and his comments have been taken seriously.

Justice Department spokesman declined to comment.

White House officials now say they expect both Rosenstein and Sessions to stay in their jobs until the midterm elections, as any move against them could be damaging to Republicans in close races. After that, though, the Justice Department expects the two men. It is unclear whether Whitaker will be a part of those plans.

Even as Trump has been smoked about Sessions, he has seemed to take a liking to the attorney general's chief of staff. Whitaker is a University of Iowa football player who looks the part. He served as US attorney for the Southern District of Iowa from 2004 to 2009, and ran for a seat in the Senate. for Accountability and Civic Trust.

In September 2017, he wrote a column for CNN saying that special counsel Robert S. Mueller III – who has been told about the trump and his associates' financial ties to Russia – had the Russia 2016 election-meddling investigation that he is dangerously close to crossing. "If made the attorney general, Whitaker would probably be in a position to supervise Mueller, but ethics officials would probably review his past comments of interest.

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