Trump targets the media after sending homemade bombs to Clinton, Obama and CNN


President Trump has blamed the media and other people for incivility after sending a series of homemade bombs to former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, at the ### s ################################################################################ 39; former President Barack Obama and other people, even though he refrained from recognizing his fiery speech at a rally Wednesday night.

Trump seemed to be showing good citizenship throughout his remarks to supporters in this city of about 4,000 residents of central Wisconsin. When he spoke, he was relatively submissive and interrupted several times to point out that he was "trying to be nice" and that he did not assume any responsibility for his role in the country's civic speech. .

"No nation can succeed that tolerates violence or the threat of violence as a method of intimidation, coercion or political control," Trump said as he began his remarks. "We want all parties to unite in peace and harmony."

Moments later, he tackled one of his favorite targets, the media.

"The media also has a responsibility to give a civil tone and put an end to endless hostility and constant – and often false – negative attacks and their stories," Trump said.

In an apparent move against the Democrats, Trump denounced those who "carelessly compare political opponents to villains in history" and who "mobilize people in public places or destroy public property."

The president, who has often used nicknames such as "Lyin 'Ted" or "Crooked Hillary" to make fun of his rivals, called on politicians to "stop treating their opponents as morally defective people."

Trump was visiting the US state to support the candidates, including Governor Scott Walker (right) and Republican Senate candidate Leah Vukmir. Polls show that Vukmir is trying to overthrow Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.), While Walker is stuck in a tight race against Democrat Tony Evers.

Trump's appearance at the rally came hours after the authorities said they had intercepted packages containing homemade bombs directed at Clinton and Obama. A suspicious package was found at CNN offices in Manhattan and another addressed to Representative Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) Was found in a congressional mail sorting center; Earlier this week, an explosive device was also found in the mailbox of liberal philanthropist George Soros.

In an address to the White House Wednesday afternoon, Trump condemned the bombs and called for unity.

"We need to come together and send a very clear, strong and indisputable message that acts or threats of political violence of any kind have no place in the United States of America," he said. declared.

Still, some have argued that some of Trump's inflammatory remarks had contributed to the attempted bombings. The five recipients are frequent targets of the president and his allies.

"There is a complete and complete lack of understanding in the White House about the gravity of the continuing attacks on the media," said Jeff Zucker, president of CNN Worldwide, in a statement. "The President, and in particular the White House Press Secretary, must understand that their words matter."

Trump won Wisconsin by less than a percentage point in 2016, making him the first Republican to bring the state since Ronald Reagan in 1984. But the 7th congressional district, in which Mosinee is located , is an area in which he has been widely popular: Trump won the district by 20 percentage points two years ago.

Throughout the rally, Trump spoke in an almost apathetic tone. He touched on themes from his favorite campaign route including immigration, taxes and confirmation from Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh.

"Wait to see what we will do with our border over the next few weeks," Trump said of immigration. He did not say what he would do, he only said, "You will see a very safe border. You have just watched. "

At one point, the crowd sang the slogan "CNN, it's bad"!

At another point, after some audience members started screaming, Trump seemed to be trying not to encourage them. "You shout, I will not say what you shout," he said.

And he stopped several times to signal that he was making an effort to mitigate his typically combative rhetoric.

"By the way, do you see how good I am?" Trump said. "We all behave very well. And I hope we can continue this way. "

Wednesday's rally was the second of four by Trump this week, a frantic campaign pace that the president has been maintaining since the beginning of this month. On Monday, Trump rushed to Houston to support his former rival, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.). Friday and Saturday, it is one of the events in Charlotte, NC and Murphysboro, Ill.

Wisconsin has seen big names on both sides of this alley this week. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) Showed support for Democrats at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee on Monday, while former President Obama will hold a rally in the same city on Friday.

Sonmez reported from Washington. Philip Rucker and David Weigel in Washington contributed to this report.

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