Trump threatens Iran on Twitter, warning of saying "Consequences"


President Trump threatened Iran on Sunday night, warning of serious "consequences", while rhetoric between the presidents of the two countries has dramatically intensified.

Trump, in a capital letter on Twitter addressed to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, wrote that the country would face "consequences of which little suffering has already suffered" he continued to threaten the United States .

This led to growing complaints among the Iranian public. The IRNA, the state-controlled news agency, on Monday dismissed Mr. Trump's message as "words of intimidation and rhetoric that he mostly uses in his early morning tweets. "

Trump's emphatic tweet about Iran, with its reminders of the enormous military might projected by the United States into the Persian Gulf, has echoes of its treatment of North Korea last summer. He would often denounce the regime as corrupt. In the president 's mind, these threats destabilized the North and forced it to negotiate on its nuclear weapons and missile programs.

Iran is both an easier and more difficult case than North Korea. There is no sign that he has nuclear weapons now or could in the near future. He has done nothing to withdraw from the 2015 agreement even after the United States. Its leaders seem convinced that Mr. Trump is trying to incite them to make a mistake

. Trump's warning to Iran came just hours after a speech by state secretary Mike Pompeo that severely criticized Iran's leadership. Mr. Pompeo accuses Iran's leaders of widespread corruption at the expense of the well-being of citizens.

"Governments around the world are concerned that the confrontation with the Islamic Republic is damaging the cause of the moderates, but these so-called moderates of the regime remain violent Islamic revolutionaries with an anti-American and anti- Western, "said Pompeo in his speech at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, Calif." Just take their own words. "

. Pompeo also sought to reach the Iranian people in his speech and messages posted online. "The United States hears you, the United States supports you, the United States is with you," tweeted Sunday in Persian and English.

Mr. Trump's tough speech with Iran comes as he continues to face fierce criticism about his meeting with Russian President Vladimir V. Putin and his hesitant statements about the question of He thinks that Russia has interfered with the elections of 2016. […] The former director of the Trump campaign, must be tried in Alexandria, Virginia, on charges of financial irregularities, the first of two criminal trials he faces. The lawsuit will be the first brought by the special advocate, Robert Mueller, who is investigating Russia's interference in the presidential election.

David E. Sanger contributed to the report.

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