Trump threatens to close the wall, immigration


"I would be ready to" shut down "the government if the Democrats do not give us the votes for border security, which includes the wall! Must get rid of the lottery, catch & release etc and finally go to the system. Based on MERIT! We need great people coming to our country! "Trump has already left the possibility of a government closure on border security and immigration, and Sunday he declared his threat explicit, saying that he would do it unless Congress financed his wall project. for, and sets up his favorite immigration policy.

In May, Trump suggested "closing the country for a while" if he did not have his wall.

"They do not want the wall," said Trump. "But we are going to have the wall, even if we have to think about closing the country for a while."

Trump's Sunday stop threat also echoed a remark he made in February when he said: "I love to see a closure" if the government does not want to see it.
Congress finally passed a spending bill in March that funded the government until September, Trump threatened at the time. to veto the spending agreement, but finally signed the bill while expressing dissatisfaction in Congress.

"I told Congress, I will never sign another project like this one. "A closing on Trump's wall at the September deadline would mark the third credit default this year, after a shutdown in January as the Democrats were fighting the Trump administration and the Republicans of the United States. Congress on Protections for "Dreamers." Senate Majority Leader, Mi McConnell announced in June that he was canceling much of the parliamentary holidays of the month of August, stating that the House needed more time to advance Trump's appointments and pass the bills. . And with the House on the August holidays, there is not much time left before the two-bedroom deadline

Paul Ryan and McConnell both met with Trump last week to discuss government funding [19659008]. ] [ad_2]
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