Trump Today: President wants to cut spending as deficit deepens


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President Donald Trump meets with reporters at a meeting of his cabinet at the White House on Wednesday.

President Donald Trump said Wednesday that he was asking the secretaries of his cabinet to cut their budget, saying that immigration was an important topic for the mid-term elections and that he was criticizing the candidate in the Senate, Beto O'Rourke.

Wanted cuts

Trump asked his chiefs of staff to reduce the budgets of their departments next year. "I would like you all to come back with a 5% discount," said the president. "We'll call it the nickel plan." He suggested, however, that the Pentagon take a lower percentage of reduction.

The president's comments come two days after the government announced a 17 percent increase in the budget deficit for the fiscal year ended Sept. 30. The non-partisan committee for a responsible federal budget recalls that Trump's tax reduction law was the reason for increasing red ink when the economy is growing rapidly.

See: That's why the budget deficit reached $ 779 billion with the development of the economy.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell described the growing deficit as "very troubling," but blamed the increase on major federal spending programs.

It is up to Congress to approve the federal budget, even though Trump has a veto. In its budget for the 2018 fiscal year, Trump proposed eliminating entire agencies, but these plans were rejected by lawmakers.


Trump continued to focus on immigration As the mid-term elections draw closer, Republicans on Twitter should incorporate what he called "horrible, weak, and outdated immigration laws" into the November contests. A day earlier, Trump had threatened to cut off US aid to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras if their citizens illegally entered the United States.

Opinion: Trump's immigration policies threaten your social security.


Trump took the problem with the Associated Press on a title of his interview with him. "Trump tells AP that he will not accept the blame if GOP loses House."

"The title of AP was very different from my quote and the meaning of the story," tweeted Trump. "They just can not help themselves. FAKE NEWS! "

In the interview, the news agency asked: "If the Republicans lost control of the House on November 6 … do you believe in assuming some of the blame?" helping people."

Read also: The mid-term messages revolved around the economy – up to the Kavanaugh audience.


Trump said on Twitter he attended the second debate between Senator GOP, Ted Cruz and his rival Beto O'Rourke, and praised his ex-rival. "Ted is strong on Crime, Border & 2nd [Amendment], love our military, our veterinarians and our low taxes, "said Trump about the Texas senator. "Beto is a flake!" Polls showed O'Rourke in place of Cruz, with whom Trump battled during the 2016 presidential primaries. O'Rourke attacked Tuesday night, using Trump's nickname "Lyin 'Ted" for Cruz.

Opinion: Why Ted Cruz will defeat Beto O'Rourke in their race at the Texas Senate.

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