Trump tries to reconcile the message of the campaign with violent events


While Donald Trump's political rise was made possible by his angry and provocative inflections during the 2016 presidential election campaign, it was harder to keep that same tone in a week of violence and death. motivated by political reasons.

While a large part of the nation announced Saturday that the suspect Robert Bowers had opened fire in the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, killing at least 11 people and wounding six others, the president was confronted with a decision – for the second time this week – to cancel a planned political rally.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = ""We can not let evil change our lives and our schedule. We can not do that. We have to go, "said Trump about his rally at the Southern Illinois Airport in Murphysboro, Illinois, and his participation in the Convention on Future Farmers of America in Indianapolis. "It does not mean that we can not fight, be strong and say what we are concerned about, but we must always remember these things: we must remember the elements of love, dignity and respect, and so many others. ""data-reactid =" 17 ">"We can not let evil change our lives and our schedule. We can not do that. We have to go, "said Trump about his rally at the Southern Illinois Airport in Murphysboro, Illinois, and his participation in the Convention on Future Farmers of America in Indianapolis. "It does not mean that we can not fight, be strong and say what we are concerned about, but we must always remember these things: we must remember the elements of love, dignity and respect, and so many others. "

The balance that Trump must now achieve in the last nine days before the mid-term, whose outcome could delay his program, is how difficult it is to hit his political opponents and the media that make account of his administration. This uncomfortable dynamic was highlighted at the North Carolina president's rally on Friday night, just hours after the death of Cesar Sayoc, an apparent Trump superfan, for allegedly sending homemade bombs to the president's critics. .

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = ""In recent days we have had a broader conversation about the tone and civility of our national dialogue. Everyone will benefit if we can end the policy of personal destruction. We must unify our nation in peace, in love and in harmony. The media have a major role to play, whether they like it or not, "Trump said Friday as his crowd ignited, and then a song from CNN fears! ". Trump responded to this by adding, "And they really do, they have a major role to play in tone and everything. ""data-reactid =" 19 ">"In recent days we have had a broader conversation about the tone and civility of our national dialogue. Everyone will benefit if we can end the policy of personal destruction. We must unify our nation in peace, in love and in harmony. The media have a major role to play, whether they like it or not, "Trump said Friday as his crowd ignited, and then a song from CNN fears! ". Trump responded to this by adding, "And they really do, they have a major role to play in tone and everything. "

Compared to Trump's mute speech on Thursday, the day it was learned that bomb pipes had been sent to Democratic personalities, among other things, Friday's speech returned to Trump's shameless arsonist rhetoric that defined his gatherings.

President Trump speaks at an election event in Murphysboro, Illinois, on October 27, 2018. (Photo: Nicholas Kamm / AFP)

A similar trend was observed on Saturday as the president began with a dark tone before turning to face his political rivals again.

"Well, I want to thank everyone because it was a tough day for us," Trump began at his rally in Illinois in an effort to boost Republican Rep. Mike Bost.

"Before I go further, I want to talk about the terrible shooting that took place earlier in the day," Trump said. "The heart of all Americans is filled with grief after the monstrous massacre of American Jews at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania."

Trump, whose daughter, Ivanka, converted to Judaism after marrying Jared Kushner, then criticized "the devilish anti-Semitic attack," claiming that "we will all have to work together to extract the heinous poison from Anti-Semitism of our world ". Bowers has a series of antisemitic publications on social media.

"We must stand with our Jewish brothers and sisters to defeat anti-Semitism and defeat the forces of hate, that's what it is," said Trump before calling for the reestablishment of the laws. national laws on the death penalty.

"We must bring back the death penalty. They have to pay the ultimate price, "said Trump, adding," We have to draw a line in the sand and say, 'Never again'. "

Trump's speech in Illinois was missing any mention of "globalists", but the president used the term a few hours earlier in Indiana.

"We do not worry too much about the globalists. … We have to take care of ourselves before we start worrying about others, "Trump said Saturday.

President Trump speaks at an election event in Murphysboro, Illinois, on October 27, 2018. (Photo: Nicholas Kamm / AFP)

In fact, in several speeches this week, Trump reiterated that his "globalism" was a "nationalist" and portrayed himself as a "nationalist". "Mondialist" is used in place of "Jew".

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = ""It is an epithet that is disproportionately addressed to a particular minority group. Just as the word "thug" is often used to invoke the stereotype that African Americans are violent, the "globalist" can play on the stereotype that Jews are disloyal, "wrote Peter Beinart earlier this year in the statement. 'Atlantic. "data-reactid =" 54 ">"It is an epithet that is disproportionately addressed to a particular minority group. Just as the word "thug" is often used to invoke the stereotype that African Americans are violent, the "globalist" can play on the stereotype that Jews are disloyal, "wrote Peter Beinart earlier this year in the statement. 'Atlantic.

Yet this association did not stop Trump from adopting this term in his vocabulary. Friday, at a noisy event at the White House, Trump attacked the "globalists" who, according to him, "cheat" in America. A member of his audience shouted "Soros!", Which prompted another to shout "Let's lock him up!" The president, meanwhile, sneered.

Soros was the first person to be targeted during the bomb attacks.

After explaining his decision to go ahead with his Saturday rally in Illinois despite the Pittsburgh shootings, Trump told his crowd that he was on the verge of " reduce the tone a bit, agree? "

But many in the audience, apparently still hungry for Trump's hard-hitting rhetoric, shouted "No!"

While Trump's trunk speech took a little longer to regain his political legs, the president ended up coming back to ridiculing Hillary Clinton by chanting "Lock it up!" agenda, and warned of the return of "President Nancy Pelosi" and the power that would await the representative Maxine Waters, D-Calif., another target of the bombings, if the Republicans suffer significant losses in November.

The president also referred to the caravan of Central American migrants heading for the US border with Mexico. "Caravan, go back. You do not come in. You do not come in. I'm sorry, "said Trump, before continuing to mock again Senator Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., As" Pocahontas ".

While these lines of attack would be, in themselves, a stump speech that will appeal to the crowd, the question now arises to Trump and the Republicans, after a week of terrible headlines of crimes committed by individuals who seem influenced by philosophies inspired by the right of the president, it is whether the message of his election campaign will always resonate with voters or it will appear diminished by the news.

"This election is about borders and jobs," assured Trump to his audience in Illinois, the dark tone that sparked the rally, but a footnote.

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