Trump tries to rekindle doubt about Kavanaugh's claims after the removal of the little-known accuser


President Donald Trump attempted on Saturday to question the allegations of sexual misconduct made against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, citing the retraction of a little-known accuser.

The woman, Judy Munro-Leighton, falsely claimed to have written a letter from "Jane Doe" stating that Kavanaugh and a friend had raped her "several times" in the back seat of a car, which the Judge denies.

The true author of the letter remains unknown and the complaint was not widely commented at the confirmation hearings held in September.

"A vicious accuser of Judge Kavanaugh just admitted that she was lying, her story was totally invented, or FALSE!" Trump said in a tweet after misspelling the judge's name.

"Can you imagine if he had not become a judge of the Supreme Court because of his disgusting false statements," continued the president.

He added, "And the others? Where are the Dems on this?

The Senate approved the justice by an extremely tight vote on October 6, and Trump relies on Kavanaugh's successful confirmation to win the favor of his base, evoking controversy at many election rallies ahead of the very mid-term elections. disputed on Tuesday.

On September 19, San Diego's handwritten letter was sent to Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) After Christine Blasey Ford told her story about Kavanaugh earlier in the month. Kavanaugh described the content of the "pot-of-stake" and "joke" letter in sworn testimony during a conference call with Senators on September 26th.

Ford, who testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Sept. 27, maintains her claim that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her at a high school assembly in the 1980s.

Committee Chair Chuck Grassley has referred Munro-Leighton to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and FBI Director Christopher Wray for investigation in a letter dated Friday.

According to Grassley, the committee's staff received an email from Munro-Leighton on October 3 in which she claimed to be the author of the letter, but had "a deadly fear" of becoming public.

When the committee staff finally spoke to Munro-Leighton, she retracted, claiming that she had only sent the email "as a way of attracting attention Because she felt angry.

Investigators discovered that she lived in Kentucky, not California. She told them that she had never met Kavanaugh.

Munro-Leighton is the fourth person Grassley has referred to federal prosecutors for the purpose of investigating Kavanaugh's hearings. Julie Swetnick, who claims that Kavanaugh attended parties where women were raped by a gang, and her lawyer, Michael Avenatti, were referred late in October. A man who was not publicly identified was referred at the end of September.

Another woman, Deborah Ramirez, who claims that Kavanaugh threw her penis in her face at a party at Yale, never spoke directly to the committee members.

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