Trump uncertain if defense chief Jim Mattis will step down: "He's sort of a democrat"


President Donald Trump suggested to CBS's "60 minutes" that Defense Secretary Jim Mattis was "a kind of democrat" who could leave his position fairly quickly.

In a video of the interview to be broadcast Sunday night, Trump said that Mattis, a former Marine Corps general, had not told him that he was considering leaving the administration, but that it "could be that it be it".

"I have very good relationships with him," said Trump, Lesley Stahl, at CBS. "I think he's a little democrat if you want to know the truth. But General Mattis is a good guy. We are getting along very well. He can leave. I mean, at one point, everyone leaves. People are leaving. It is Washington. "

Speculation that Trump could fire Mattis has been on the rise for months. The defense chief reportedly disagreed with Trump on several points, including the president's request to ban transgender troops from the army as well as his policy vis-à-vis NATO and the United States. from North Korea.

"There is no day between the secretary and the president regarding the unwavering support of our military," said Dana White, Pentagon press secretary, at the New York Times in September. "It's up to the President of the United States to decide what he wants to do."

The Trump administration has experienced an unprecedented turnover rate compared to previous administrations. More than two dozen senior government officials, including several Cabinet members, have resigned or been fired in the last 20 months.

Last week, US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley announced that she would join the growing list of Trump officials who disappeared at the end of the year.

But Trump, in his "60-minute" interview, downplayed the high number of departures. He also called "fake news" almost daily reports of media detailing the "chaos" in the White House.

"It's wrong, it's so wrong, it's fake news," Trump said. "I change things and I get it right."

When asked if other people would soon be leaving his administration, Trump replied, "Yeah, others will go, of course."

The full interview must be broadcast on CBS Sunday at 7:30 pm. AND.

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