Trump understands the Pittsburgh protesters, says he's been warmly welcomed


About 4000 people gathered to demonstrate their solidarity in Pittsburgh

About 4,000 people rallied to demonstrate their solidarity in the Squirrel Hill neighborhood, while President Donald Trump was visiting Pittsburgh on Tuesday. | Jeff Swensen / Getty Images

President Donald Trump wrote online Wednesday that he and his wife "had been treated so warmly" during their visit to Pittsburgh a day earlier, thereby downplaying protests after his visit to a synagogue. during which 11 people were killed over the weekend. antisemitic attack in the history of the United States.

"Melania and I were treated very well yesterday in Pittsburgh.The President's office showed great respect for a very sad and solemn day.We have been treated so warmly.We have not seen little protest, staging off The Fake News the stories were just the opposite – shameful! "Trump tweeted Wednesday morning, with a video montage of his visit.

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Trump traveled to Pittsburgh to visit the synagogue with his wife, daughter Ivanka Trump and son-in-law Jared Kushner, both Jewish. Protesters welcomed the president's visit, which blamed the president's inflammatory and strongly partisan rhetoric for inciting political violence.

Several Jewish leaders in the city issued an open letter Sunday saying that Trump would not be welcome in the city if he did not denounce white nationalism and stopped "targeting" minorities. More than 82,000 more people signed the letter Wednesday morning. The Mayor of Pittsburgh, Bill Peduto, had urged Trump earlier in the week not to surrender before the burial of the dead.

Neither Peduto nor Pennsylvania's Governor Tom Wolf accompanied Trump during his visit to Pittsburgh. Congressional leaders from both parties rejected the White House's invitation to join the president during his visit.

Nevertheless, opposition to the president's visit was not unanimous. Another open letter to the president, signed by "members of the Jewish community of Pittsburgh," thanked him for "your unwavering support for Israel" and hosted him in the city, according to the New York Times . Rabbi Jeffrey Myers, Tree of Life leader, greeted the first family in the synagogue. Trump also met with the security forces who were injured during the shooting with the gunman.

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