Trump wants a new spectrum strategy. Here's what it means for 5G.


US President Donald Trump on Thursday issued a presidential memorandum calling on various government agencies to develop a "sustainable spectrum strategy."

The memorandum says "it is imperative that the United States be first in fifth generation (5G) wireless technologies".

In practical terms, it requires departments and executive bodies to report on future spectrum requirements and directs the Office of Science and Technology Policy to report on emerging technologies and make recommendations on priorities for future development. research and development. The memorandum also calls for a national spectrum strategy within 270 days, including legislative and regulatory recommendations to expand spectrum access, make its management more flexible and make the US more competitive.

The White House could lay the groundwork for federal support for expanded connectivity, including 5G.

The 5G is the fifth generation standard for mobile phone networks, approved earlier this year. It consists of a higher frequency signal capable of transmitting more information faster to more devices than the current 4G standard (even for shorter distances). While most spectrum management solutions are being used behind the scenes, everyday consumers would feel any improvement in the proliferation of the 5G network, which the telecom industry has touted as a gateway to the Internet of Things revolution. .

The White House has shown a keen interest in next-generation connectivity: it staged a 5G event last month and earlier this year, wondering whether it would allow the merger of Sprint and T-Mobile to speed up the installation of the 5G. A federal official even weighed the weight of a 5G national network run by the government to ensure security in a leaked memo.

In addition to the issues of antitrust navigation and information security, the deployment of 5G will have to solve fundamental physical problems. Earlier this month, in a few neighborhood-scale pilot projects, Verizon customers complained that connectivity was dependent on high-frequency signal immobilization in nearby buildings. Perhaps a better slogan for the Internet 5G would be the Internet of Things nearby.

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